Bang Bang

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Out of all the chapters in this whole series, this is my favorite one. I'm excited for you guys to read this one. After this, I have two more pre-finished.

You guys are lucky. OG readers had this chapter as the final one for over a year. I originally started this book back in 2016, January first actually.


Emily's heart hadn't slowed down once since finding out Beca was missing. Her heart felt like it wanted to leave her body and dissolve on the ground. She knew that was how her father felt.

Finding out Beca was kidnapped hurt worse than finding out she was sick. At least they were able to help Beca when she was just sick. Kidnapped, they couldn't even make her comfortable. And knowing about why she was taken, bad things where entering Emily's head. All she could think about is all the pain her sister was probably going through.

Emily sat at the dinner table across her parents. Benji was standing behind her, his hands on her chair. "Beca thought it was her fault. She was blaming herself the whole time."

"She apologized to us when she told us," her father responded, his voice hoarse from crying. "I thought she meant it because she couldn't protect you."

"Do you think the people who killed her mom are the ones who did this?"

"Most likely."

Emily ran her hand over her hair. She sighed. "Why didn't you ever do anything about it? They attacked her once, why didn't you think that they would do it again?"

"I was so sure it wasn't going to happen again. I thought they would think they would win. I wasn't thinking. I had a dead mate and a daughter. She had to be my priority. And then I got a new mate, and another daughter. And soon, I just prayed that the wolves where going to leave us alone."

"Could you have told the Council that a rogue wolf was attacking vampires?" Emily rubbed her face. She heard Benji's phone go off.

"I did. I told them. I asked for help, but they said there weren't any other attacks. They couldn't do anything unless it was a danger to all other vampires."

"Do you know what pack the wolf was in?" Her father nodded.

"Emily?" she heard Benji say.

"What Benji?" Emily asked, a bite in her tone. She wanted to know who hurt her. Who hurt her sister. Who killed the stepmother she never got to meet.

"You have to take this."

Emily sighed and took the phone. "What?"

"Something happened. Beca is missing."


"She's missing."

Emily dropped the phone. She looked at her father. "Beca, missing. Uh, I, uh, I have to go." She ran out of the house.

Emily rubbed her face. She watched as Chloe and Benji search for a spell to locate Beca. Emily's hope had slowly vanished. She sighed, and just left the apartment. She moved to sit on the stairs. She heard footstep behind her. She made no movement to acknowledge the person.

"Emily?" The person said. The voice was low and sweet.

Stacie. Emily still made no movement to answer. She just moved, trying to use as least room as possible. She wrapped her arms around her knees and placed her chin on it. She just started ahead, not really seeing anything.

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