Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"What? I don't really want to though!" Dylan said for the fifth time, he was trying his best not to get mad at me and he didn't want to let me down either.

"But you said you would!" I reminded him for the fifth time.

"Fine." He said and I smiled widely then ran to hug him. I had convinced him to get a YouTube account. He is an amazing singer, guitarist, DJ, pianist, music beat maker, and anything else music related. I always imagined him being like Justin Bieber,  Austin Mahone, or Ryan Beatty. I watched him go on his laptop and start making the account. My parents and I always tried to get him to make one but he never would. I guess the effect of our parents being gone helped him to finally make one. Plus, when he makes music, he's happy and I want him to be happy again. And maybe my parents will be able to hear it from their new home in Heaven.

30 minutes later

"That was great!" I said excitedly to Dylan. We just uploaded his first cover together and I made him cover 'Moments' by One Direction. My mom had taken me to the One Direction concert earlier this year but I had wanted Dylan to, so this was his payback. I miss that concert, I remember the my mom smiling and being so happy during that concert. I remember that smile upon her face, I barely do anymore, that image in my mind is slowly fading away. It hasn't even been that long since my parents have been gone and I'm already beginning to forget them.

I was happier than I had been in awhile. I was just thinking about how many views he would get. I figured only 20 views by tomorrow and maybe a comment about how good looking he is. It's true, he is attractive and I can say that because I was adopted. After we both tweeted out the video and Instagramed it, I felt great. My mood went down when Dylan told me we had to go. SInce I'm leaving, he probably won't even upload another cover again much less even make any type of music.

2 hours later

"I'm gonna miss you." I said sadly as Dylan and I waited in the terminal for my flight. I looked up to him and he looked down to me and said, "I'm gonna miss you so much." He then leant down and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. I used to get mad when my parents would hug or kiss my forehead in public, I always took it for granted and now I miss it so much. 

"You better skype me a ton." I said demanding. He broke into a wide smile and answered, "You bet I will."

"FLIGHT 317 TO LOS ANGELES IS NOW BOARDING!"  The voice on the intercom boomed. Dylan and I slowly got up and I got my bags.

"Wait." He said as I was just about to turn and go to the flight entrance. He then gave me a big hug and whispered into my ear, "I love you, Emily."

I hugged him back and whispered through a smile, "I love you too, big bro."

"Okay, now you go, I'll be praying for you and your flight to get to LA safely." He said with a smile and I nodded then turned to go. I went to the gate and every few seconds, I would look back at him and wave. When I finally got onto the plane, I saw him still standing where I had left him and I gave him a wave and blew him a kiss. Then I took out my phone and looked down at it; I wasn't on my phone, I was just pretending I was so I could hide the few tears going down my cheek. I'm going to miss Dylan so much. I can't believe it, I'm going to California to start a new life. Everything has come up so quickly. I never imagined starting a new life until college or maybe after and I'm only 14.

"Please put your seat belts on and get ready to fly!" The flight attendent spoke over the speaker in that overly polite voice they always spoke in.

I clutched my bags to me as the flight attendant told us about the safety procedures then had finally said we were taking off. I only had 3 bags with me. There was a lot of stuff I didn't take but it was all useless junk and pretty much everything reminded me of my parents.

Well, here's to a new life and a new family. Oh wait, Dylan never told me who to look for....

Behind Closed Eyes (A Cimorelli Fanfic) [Book 1] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now