Chapter 18, 19, and 20

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Chapter 18

1 week later

Dani's POV

"Get up!!!" Christina said. I was startled and scared. I already could smell the special breakfast Katherine made. Today is our first day of school. Emily told me everything will be alright but I won't know anyone at my new school. Me being really smart, am going into eighth grade. Luckily, Christian will be in the same school with me because he is in sixth grade.

After we all ate breakfast and dressed, we got into the big white van. Christina drove us to school, Amy, Alex, Lauren, and Emily were dropped off first. As we neared the catholic middle school, I was getting more and more scared. Everyone kept telling me I will be fine but I don't think so.

"Hi, I'm dani. I'm the new student." I said as I walked into my homeroom after going to the office to get my schedule. Everyone was silent when I walked in and I was getting cold stares. I went to take the empty seat in the back that the teacher told me to sit at. It was so strange, seeing everyone wear the same thing. I took a seat next to a boy with dark blue eyes, dark brown bieber hair, about 5'10, a fit body, and a clean uniform, he was definitely really cute. He was talking to some of his friends and snickering with them. When no one was looking, he flashed a smile showing his perfect teeth and handed me a little note. As I opened it, I expected it to be about how weird and messed up I am. I read the note:

'Hi, I'm Sam. Welcome. Sorry but everyone is going to hate you because you're new. My friends are going to hate me if they know I gave you this note. I'm here if you need help.'

RINGGG!!!!! The bell rung, off to algebra. I made sure to throw away the note.

Chapter 19

Lauren's POV

Amy and Alex left Emily and I after we got our schedules. Somehow, Emily and I have every single class together. We started up to our homeroom class. I hope everyone is nice, all of the girls are really pretty even though they are in school uniform and the guys are really cute.

"Hi, I'm Molly! Can I see your schedules? Oh I shouldn't have taken that our of your hand... I'm so sorry for being so rude! What are your names?" A girl asked. I looked over to Emily but she already struck up a conversation. Wow, she said she is really shy, I guess not haha.

"I'm Lauren and this is my foster sister, Emily. We both have every single class together haha." I said trying to sound unafraid even though I was mortified to even speak.


Emily and I have lunch seventh period at 1:30, that's complete torture. Luckily, we only have band right after then we go home.

"Hey, I'm Stacy!" a girl said. Emily and I were sitting at the table that Molly brought us to. She is so nice....

"What the fuck just happened to my shitty iPhone?" Molly said. Oh yeah, she swears A LOT, haha. Emily and I both laughed at her. Some other girls who were kind of shy were sitting with us too, they are so nice. It's nice because no one is asking what my last name is or why I suddenly appeared here with Emily.

"Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" a girl named, Christina, asked me. I laughed my head off.

"NO!!! No boy would like my weirdness." I answered her.

"What?! You are so pretty and that hot guy named Josh keeps staring at you. Gosh, he's so hot." she said. I looked over to who she was talking about and saw a guy with dark bieber hair staring right at me. I quickly turned away from him and looked down to hide my blushing, he IS hot.

Amy's POV

Everyone here is so nice! I'm not the loudest, shortest, smartest, the only person who likes country music, and everyone is so friendly. It's nice to see my family members having a good time and making some new friends. I've made some new friends, they invited me to a party already. I'm going tonight because it's Friday so I can sleep tomorrow plus it will be nice to take my mind off of my family problems.

After school

Lauren's POV

"Hey, I'm sorry but I have to go to a basketball meeting. I'll only be like 20 minutes but I'm so sorry." Emily said as we were packing our backpacks and closing our lockers.

"That's alright, I want to explore the school a little more anyways." I said. She dashed to the gym and I headed for the most private place to be. I found a little area tucked away from the busiest hallways. I sat down on the ground and I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. I couldn't stop thinking about that crazy night my parents lives may have ended on. It's so hard, Christina gets a call everyday about how mom and dad are doing but nothing has happened.

"Hey, are you alright?" the hot guy named Josh said. I looked up into his blue eyes and said I was fine. He knew I was lying but I ignored him. Somehow, our faces were inches apart and my eyes closed. The space between us disappeared and I was kissing Josh. I don't know what overcame me, I didn't want to have my first kiss for awhile. Josh leaned into me and he was soon on top of me. His cold body was chilling but I was lost in the warmth from his kissing. My senses came back when one of his hands was about to take off my shirt and the ore was about to take of my bra. I shot up and pushed him off of me.

"What do you think you are doing?!" I asked him. He had that million dollar smile shining but it didn't work on me.

"What? I thought you wanted that." he said.

"No I didn't!!" I said. I picked up my backpack and rushed off. I gets him say "whatever bitch" and I stormed off, right past Emily. I went right into the car with Emily close behind me, thankfully she didn't ask any questions.

Chapter 20

Dani's POV

Today was a hard first day. The classes are hard, the teachers aren't really nice except for the art teacher, and my new classmates are pretty mean. Somehow, they all noticed I'm apart of cimorelli. Now I have a ton of crumbled up paper saying I'm fat, I'm a terrible singer, I'm a fat whore, and I shouldn't be here.

"Hey dani! You shouldn't be here, in my class, this grade, this school, this town, this state, this country, this world, or anywhere. I saw you smiling at my boyfriend Sam! You are so fat and a terrible singer. Why did you even join that band with your sisters? Kill yourself!" she said. The gorgeous blonde girl said to me with her minions close behind her, it was probably the tenth time she said something like that today. I closed my locker and picked my bag up then rushed out of the school. How can Catholics be so mean?

Don't cry dani, don't cry dani. I kept telling myself as I was riding in the car back home. Amy, nick, Christian, Alex, and Joey were raving about how great their first day was. They are so lucky, they don't have to put up with mean middle schoolers.

Lisa's POV

I went to pick up some groceries after my first day of work. I started working at a local nail salon and it's been alright, maybe the best thing ever. Luckily, I'm getting paid some good money so I'll be able to help with the bills. It's also nice that mike and Christina are our temporary, hopefully, guardians.

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