Chapter 29

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Note: A part of this story is very spiritual.

Chapter 29

Emily's POV

Lauren, Andy, and I sat in the beautiful church. The national Shrine is so beautiful and a great place to pray at.

Lauren went to confession then met Andy and I at one of the many chapels. We stayed there and just prayed.

God, please bless everyone. Please bless my parents. Please bless my step parents. Please bless my brother Dylan. Please bless all of my step siblings. Please bless the weird people in this world. Please bless everyone, everything, and everyplace in this world. Please bless music. Please bless all of my friends and Andy. Thank you for everything!

I prayed the rosary with Andy and Lauren after. I took a picture of us all in the church.

Just went to the #nationalshrine with Lauren and Andy Xx

I tweeted and instagramed the picture. I hadn't tweeted or instagramed in a couple of months, this will interesting.

We rushed out of the church and went to Andy's car before they closed the doors on us.

When Lauren and I got home, we got a call from Christina. We heard sobbing on the opposite end of the line.

"Come home now, mom is gone!" A crying Christina said. She immediately hung up the phone and Lauren and I packed the fastest we ever have before. I went on the computer and purchased two tickets to the next flight to Santa Monica, California. Lauren called our teacher and told her that we had a very important family emergency to tend to.

On the plane

Lauren and I sat on the crowded plane. Last time I was on a plane, I was having an alright time. Now we both are crying silently while looking out the window. I tried asking her some random questions to make her happy but it didn't work well.

"If you had to chose who to date, who would you? Ryan Beatty, Andrew Constancio, Austin Mahone, or Liam Payne? They all seem to be nice guys." I asked her.

"Eh I like them all equally, Ryan is nice, Andrew seems nice, Austin seems nice, and Liam seems nice plus he's too old for me and has a girlfriend."

Lauren and I have to go back to Santa Monica. My step mom has passed away. I'm sorry I'm leaving so soon. We are taking off now. Bye! Xx

I texted Andy. I gulped down a big sob when I sent the text to him. It was weird, he was the first guy I have really liked and I might have a chance with him. Maybe that's why it's so hard to say goodbye to him. I got a text from Andy immediately.

"Really? Just an 'oh' from Andy? I knew it was too good to be true. The one guy I have a big crush on and might have a chance with sends back an 'oh'. No 'I'm so sorry!' or 'I'm going to miss you!'?" I said half to myself and half to Lauren.

"Hey, relax! He's probably just shaken from everything." Lauren said back to me. I just looked out the window and cried, nothing can get worse than this.

Amy's POV

I sat there on the ground. I can't believe I don't have a mom anymore. Sure, I haven't been living with her for awhile but now it's confirmed that she's gone for good.


I got up and looked at the screen. I couldn't believe it, mom started breathing again. My tears of sorrow quickly turned to tears of joy. My siblings and I hugged each other not for comfort of a loss but out of happiness.

Mom is beginning to stir. Every now and then, her head will move a little. Right now, her eyes are slowly opening.

"It looks like your mother is waking up, could you guys please step out if the room so we can do some checks on her." The nurse said with an assuring smile as we headed out of the room.

1 hour later

"Hey everyone! Someone wants to say hello to you guys." The voice of a doctor said.

"What?" I said looking up to him with a startled look on my face.

"Your mom is ready to say hello to you guys." He said. We all got up and rushed into the room.

"Hi mom," Dani said quietly. I looked at my mom. It hurt to see a weak body that was always there for us all.

"Hi honey." Mom replied weakly and smiled with all of her might. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, I can't believe mom is all better.

Behind Closed Eyes (A Cimorelli Fanfic) [Book 1] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now