Chapter 30

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Sorry this is a short chapter, I've been busy and I can't really think of any good ideas for this.

Chapter 30

Lauren's POV

We arrived at the airport five hours after we left DC. Emily and I hurriedly got our bags and left the gate. I had one of my letterman jackets, jeans, a blue t-shirt, a SnapBack, and sunglasses on, we were scared that we would be recognized. Neither of us wanted to be discovered with red eyes from crying for five hours straight.

"Hey, what's going on? There are a ton of people and paparazzi here." Emily said to me. I looked at the crowds of people and held my purse and suitcase closer to me.

"Oh, probably just another celebrity. This is LA, of course it' probably a celebrity." I replied. A million girls kept running toward the commotion.

"Oh, they aren't just any celebrities, they are One Direction!" Emily said back to me. I smiled at the awkward and sudden outburst from Emily. I looked over to where she was pointing. "Oh my gosh! Liam Payne is looking at you!"

"Sure he is, there are a ton of girls here. Hey, we have to go!" I said sarcastically even though I felt butterflies in my stomach while just looking at him. We got our bags and exited the airport. Well, almost exited the airport.

"Hey Lauren, I'm not feeling that well the time zone maybe-" she said. I turned to look back at her. She looked really tired.

Right there, she fainted. I couldn't get to her fast enough. It was a hard fall and I was sure she would get injured and it would be all my fault.

Emily's POV

Lauren and I finally arrived at the airport. I wasn't feeling that good, I had a headache and I couldn't concentrate that well. Everything sounded far away, like I was in a dream. Dizziness overcame me, my head was running faster than a jaguar. I really needed to get some water and sit down but neither of those things were close to me.

It seemed like everything was flashing in front of me. The ceiling got farther away and the ground was closer. I was quickly falling and I didn't have enough energy to stop myself. I was sure I was going to hit my head.

The unexplainable happened. I landed safely in a person's arms. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see who it was. A familiar voice asked me if I was alright. I was confused, I didn't see anyone I knew in this airport except for Lauren.

At the hospital

I was at the hospital. I was planning on walking into the hospital but I ended up being carried instead.

My eyes fluttered open. For some strange reason, I was expecting to be laying in a hospital bed. Before I could look around, a sweet, calm voice asked me something. I looked up into some dark blue eyes and a big bright smile.

"Hey Emily, it's Andy. How are you feeling?" The boy said. I was confused. How could he be here? I thought he was back in DC. Plus, I thought he didn't like me. I closed my eyes and opened them again to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"How are you here?" I asked.

"I flew here, I couldn't bear to lose an amazing girl." He said with an amazing smile at the end.

"Aww!" A familiar voice said. Startled, I looked up to see the whole cimorelli family. Well almost, papa cim wasn't there. Wait, mama cim is here?

"Wait, mama cim?! I thought you had passed away?" I said, I felt a tear go down my cheek.

"No, I'm very much alive. What do you mean? You think I died?" Mama cim replied with a confused expression.

"Have you guys not told her anything that has happened?!" I asked my step siblings.

"Uh... No we haven't. Let's not tell her yet." Christina said. I nodded my head even though I wanted to tell her everything.

"So... Who is this guy?" Lisa asked me, breaking the silence.

"Well, this is-" I started. Only then did I notice that I was on Andy's lap. I was now leaning into him while sitting on his knee.

"I'm Andy, Emily's boyfriend. I went to her old school and we went to the same church." He said. My face went red and I smiled shyly even though I was quite confused.

Behind Closed Eyes (A Cimorelli Fanfic) [Book 1] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now