Ch 27 - Why I Didn't

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Minho and Chuck sat beside the girl's bed, visiting her, while Newt went to wash himself and get something to eat.

The poor boy had gone through sleepless nights, barely even paying attention to his own necessities just to stay by her side, watching over her, waiting for her to finally wake up.

Alby and Minho, friends who worried about him, literally had to force him to take care of himself. They told him that if he wasn't willing to do it for his own sake, he should at least do it for Sara. She wouldn't want to find out he'd practically been starving himself and been sleep deprived because of her.

Minho was rubbing the sides of his head to relieve his headache until Chuck hurriedly nudged him.

"Hey," the young boy called to him in an urged whisper. "Hey, Minho, look."

As Minho stared down at the girl, he noticed her fidgeting slightly. Her eyelids quivered, and her eyebrows furrowed as she finally opened her eyes.

The dim light in the hut was almost too bright for her month-long, darkness-engulfed eyes. It made her squint, and she brought her hand up to her face to protect it. The sudden movement stimulated a few painful areas around her chest and shoulders, and she let out a long groan.

"Call Newt," Minho whispered to Chuck, standing up as he ushered him out. The boy didn't even hesitate before he dashed out the door.

Sara groaned again, trying to sit up on the bed.

"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there. You've still got more healing to do," Minho told her, holding her down.

"Mi—Minho?" she asked in a raspy voice. "What—"

The door burst open to reveal Newt with Chuck right behind him. The blond boy had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was disheveled. He was breathing so rapidly until his soft smile provoked a small smile in return from the sick girl. He rushed to her side and stroked her hair as his eyes darted all over her face.

"Sara." The relief in his voice was so evident that the girl's eyes swelled with tears. "You're awake."

Newt leaned in to peck her lips carefully so he wouldn't hurt her. There were deep scars on her face that were still healing. His heart burst with happiness at the feeling of her finally kissing back, unlike during her comatose state.

"Geez, girl. You took quite a beating." This came from Minho. "Do you remember who did this to you?"

Sara's face stiffened, and she swallowed hard. Newt stared at her worriedly, and then he sent a glare in Minho's direction.

"We'll sort that out later," said Newt, assuming she wasn't up for much questioning at the moment.

"I—uh... I do remember. But they'll... they'll do worse things—they'll—" Sara started to panic, but Newt stroked her cheek to calm her down.

He stared firmly into her eyes. "Love, what did they tell you?"

"They said they'd hurt... you. And all my friends—but... they were hoping I'd bleed to death, so... so they weren't too worried. I don't remember anything after that," she managed to say, her eyes full of terror.

"Well, they're bloody shucked." Newt was angered. "You're gonna be alright." His voice softened as he looked back at her. "If you give us their names, we're sure to get those slintheads banished by sunset."

Chuck butted in. "But she's still recovering. Think if they find out she didn't die, they'll for sure try to do something once she's alone sleeping or somethin'."

Minho nodded. "That's why somebody's gonna stay with her until we put them in the Maze, and no one'll say a shuck word about her waking up. Just to Alby, but no one else."

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