Ch 51 - We're Not Safe

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"Becca," Sara called out to her. When Rebecca turned around, Sara whispered, "you need to hide."

"I have to get both groups out of here," the woman said, beginning to get frustrated.

"But things got out of control. It's for your own safety," Sara pressed on. "They're probably looking for you too."

Teresa, that sneaky shank. She must've slipped away and gone to get Janson or something.

How come no one ever saw her leave? Sara knew she had telepathic abilities, but did she teleport too? She'd like to think rather not.

"I'm sorry in advance," said Rebecca, frowning as she addressed the whole group. "I'll maintain appearances, but just know that I'm on your side. I'll get busy to see what I can do to get you all out."

Suddenly, the dim lights in the dark hallway all increased their intensity. The Gladers whipped their heads around, and a group of stone-faced adults stared back at them with crossed arms.

Doctors stood there, all dressed in white lab coats. And in the middle of the crowd, there stood Chancellor Ava Paige side to side with Janson. They all looked like ghosts, hunting for the souls of the living.

Sara was the only one Janson kept his eyes on. Shock filled his entire countenance at the sight of her. Rebecca did an amazing job of protecting her from him, because Sara could tell this hit as a huge surprise.

Rebecca stepped forward, putting up a frantic façade. "Assistant Director Janson, Chancellor Paige! Here they are. These poor kids. WICKED had them under their control, can you even imagine?"

Sara and the Gladers all looked at Rebecca like she was crazy.

What exactly does she think she's doing?

Janson gave her a bright smile, shaking off the surprised look on his face. "Rebecca, darling, I appreciate your help." Then he turned to the group with a concerned expression. "I'm sure you're all confused, scared, exhausted. But don't worry, we're here to help you."

"So, you guys aren't WICKED?" Minho asked suspiciously.

Sara really wanted to scream. Were they really thinking about luring the Gladers into headquarters by pretending to be their saviors?

"No, we'll take care of you and give you food, clothes, a bed to sleep in. And when you're nourished back to health, we'll send you somewhere safe, where WICKED will never find you again," said Janson.

Can someone please kill me right now?

Chancellor Paige spoke up. "I assure you, things happen for a reason, mistakes are made, but in the end, it's for a good cause. And that is that we get to rescue young people like you and keep them away from all the dangers of the world."

Everyone was confused, and it was frightening not knowing what was going on, or what their next plan was. What startled them even more was that Rebecca walked over to them, and she stood next to Paige and Janson. The boys looked at Sara for an answer, but she had none.

Suddenly, a boy with a large sweatshirt and hood over his head emerged from another dark hallway to their left. They all looked at him curiously, then they stepped back a little as they observed him pulling down the hood from his head.

There was a loud, unanimous gasp.

"You!" Minho shouted, bewildered. "How are you still here?"

Thomas took a bold step forward, trying to get near him. "Gally?" he asked, sounding doubtful.

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