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Between the remaining days she got to rest, she rewatched her match against Todoroki and tried to check for flaws, only to keep getting distracted by how her eyes suddenly flashed gold. In Shinso's match against her, the same thing happened.

Clearly, this quirk of hers was more of a mental than a physical quirk. It must've made her immune to most mental quirks.

She needed to learn to comprehend her fourth quirk, whatever it was, before she'd eventually repeat the past. It wouldn't happen immediately of course, but at one point it would happen, that was for sure.

She decided to lose herself in a bunch of anime, novels, music - anything to make of her short holiday. Then again, holidays are always too short.

Crystal dreaded the day she'd have to come back or school. Yet there she was, sitting by the window of the infamous 1-A.

Bakugo kicked the door open, welcoming himself with his own grand entrance.

He stalked to his spot by the window, where he situated himself. "Morning." Crystal greeted.

He twisted around to look at her. "Mornin'"

"Let's go on a date," Crystal smiled.

The then blushing blonde opened his mouth to respond, only to get interrupted by Aizawa-sensei's entrance.

The class went silent in his presence, even Bakugo. Turns out even Bakugo could be tamed.

The teacher went on like he did every morning, meanwhile, Crystal pondered as to whether or not they'd get their first normal class activity.

Suddenly, tension was in the air. Just as Crystal was about to question it the class erupted in excitement, jumping and cheering, and just as she was about to question that too, the excitement died down and the class settled into the calmest state they'd ever been in. The silver-haired girl sat there, her eyebrows contorted in confusion.

Aizawa-sensei went on, and Crystal, for once, decided to pay attention. "-and become immediate assets to pros. For them to extend offers to you shows that they are interested in your all potential. Here are the totals or those with offers."

The board showed a horizontal bar chart with numbers at the end of each bar. Todoroki was at the top with 4123 offers, below his, Crystal had managed to snag 3979 offers and Bakugo in third with 3556 offers.

From Tokoyami and below, no one got over 400. "Todoroki got second in the sports festival but here he's first and Bakugo's third?" Jiro questioned aloud.

"Well, Bakugo does have a difficult personality, he's very hot-headed." Crystal replied without hesitation.

"True," Hero agreed.

"WHAT'RE THE PROS SCARED OF?!" Bakugo started.

"Exactly," Sero nodded.

Behind Crystal Momo told Todoroki, "Your amazing, Todoroki."

I ship it, was what Crystal thought.

A / N

Boring and short chapter? ikr im sry. I knew i said id post once a week, and as promised here it is. The exam preps arent as intense as i thought so ill be uploading as i please. 

I planned to stock over the holidays and write a bunch of chapters to compensate for the lack of time id have to write but two issues : ITS THE HERO NAME CHAPTER AFTER THIS and i got food poisoning (long story short, ate too much shorbet) to the point of being bedridden.SORRY GUYS


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