Hit and run

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"Ugh" you said to yourself as you fumbled with your keys to get into your apartment, finally you thought opening the door and setting your bag down
You walked of to your sofa and flopped your self on it
Levi's not back yet he stays out so late at work you thought but pushed the feeling away as you dosed off to sleep
Levi's POV
Damn I thought to myself as I slowly undone Petra's shirt. She.was.hot. I felt myself sweat as I picked her up and put her on my desk, her moans pushing me to go forward, I knew this was wrong I was cheating, but it's not cheating unless you get caught...right
"W-why'd you s-stop" I heard Petra say as she looked down at me
"Oh sorry babe" I said my voice still as I look up at her
"It's okay we should go anyway" Petra said looking at me with a wink as she collected herself
And I knew exactly what she meant
~time skip (because why not :))~
I held Petra's hand as I opened the door to my house
"Oh Levi babe we're out of mil- DA FUCK" (Y/N) shouted out I could feel her anger shoot right through me
Oh fuck...

Cheater Levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now