Hospital chaos

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Levi's POV
I sat up to see Petra sitting next to me
Her make up was running down her face and her tears trickled down her cheeks
For a moment
But only a moment
I thought that was (Y/N) comforting me, worrying about me, loving me
"Don't cry" I said rubbing my head as I looked at her
"I-I'm not" she said trying to hide her face
"You clearly are" I said chucking a bit "where are the others?"
"Oh umm, Mikasa is with Eren making sure he doesn't flood the place with tears, Armin's with Sasha making sure she doesn't steal anymore hospital food, Connie and Jean are betting on whether or not you'll die Connie says you'll live, and (Y/N)'s with Erwin" she said rubbing her head
I just sighed, I'm mean of course she would be with him, that son of a bit-
"Hey, umm do you want me to get you anything, like water or tea" Petra said, smiling down at me
"No, just, when the hell am I getting out of here " I said, trying to get up
"Oh, stay here, I'll get the nurse, and ask as well" she said back, quickly getting out of her chair
How the heck did I get myself into this mess

(Y/N)'s POV
I slowly brushed back the strands of hair neatly placed on Erwin's face and tucked them safely under his ear
His skin felt so soft and smooth
His sleeping face looked so manly, yet cute
"...jeez bud, what conditioner do you use" I softly said, a hint of jealousy in the tone of my voice
"...the one you got me"
I looked down to see Erwin smiling up at me a mischievous smirk plastered on his face
"Ah, sorry, did I wake you" I said
"Ha, nah, it's cool" he said smiling up at me as he sat up on his bed "plus I was sleeping on you after all, guess it my fault huh"
"Haha, well are you feeling any better?" I asked
"Yeah, especially since I get to see your face first thing when I wake up" he said smiling
I rolled my eyes "whatever, any way the doctor said as soon as you feel better you can leave"
"Oh okay, well wanna get the hell out of here and grab some ice cream" he said, lifting himself up of the bed
"Er sure, but let me help you first" i said back, helping him get up "let me just text the others-"
Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder I looked back to see Levi, with Petra standing right next to him
"And where are you two going?" he said, the cold expression laid nicely on his face
"To get ice cream" I said, pushing he's hand of me
"Sorry Levi, but if you could just give us some space that would be best" Erwin said, locking my hand with his and dragging me towards the exit
"Sorry Erwin, but last time I checked (Y/N), didn't need a crazy overprotective beast hanging around her" Levi said back, quickly grabbing my hand and locking it with his
"Excuse me, but, Erwin is not my body guard, and Levi your not my boyfriend anymore, so give me some space" I said feeling the frustration build up in me "come Erwin let's go"
And with that I ripped my hand from Levi's grips, and walked out of the hospital dragging Erwin beside me

Levi's POV
I stood there, frozen in shock
How could I let her go
I felt Petra take my hand and rub herself on to me
"Babe" she whispered in my ear, a hint of lust and excitement in her tone "forget about her, come back to me, we were so good together"
For a second, I wanted to go with her
And to think of (Y/N) every time Petra would moan my name
Think about what I would do to her, and well do it
But I knew it would be wrong
So I simply said "no Petra, please just stop"
And with that I left, hands in my pockets, and a cold, lonely feeling filled my heart
I felt a light tape on my shoulder
It was Eren
"What" I groaned
"Wanna grab a beer, I'll pay" he said, smiling sadly down at me
"Sure, let's go grab a whiskey"

Sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been super busy with school 😞
Anyway I hope you like this chapter (even tho it's crap 😅)
And I hope all of you had a great Christmas and New Years 🥳
I love you all very much 🥰
In a bit
Happy 2020 🥳💖

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