I forgot

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Levi POV
I heard at sound come from (Y/N) bag
I wonder
I looked around to see if anyone would see me get (Y/N)'s phone I mean mikasa went to the toilet and Sasha (Y/N) and eren were playing in the water so
I looked at (Y/N) message she got I couldn't read the whole thing so I would have to unlock it bingo
You really need to change your password
It was form Erwin
I read it, it was just friend stuff like a simple hey, I read the other text, stuff like how are you or how's work and just normal chat
So I didn't think much of it
I quickly put the phone back and switched it off to

I was tired so I went to sit down back in the sand we're Levi was
Ugh where is mikasa when you actually need her
I sat down and just used my bag as a pillow for my head, sasha and eren where still playing in the water
"Hey thanks for the food" Levi said to me with that cold expression he always has
"Yeah whatever" I said my head in graved in my bag
"...so hows umm work" he said still having that cold expression
"Where you like this when you where with Petra or just with me" I said my head still in my bag
"(Y/N) listen okay I'm sorry about that I-"
"Shut up... I hate you and your stupid face you never smiled when we were together so don't bother showing sadness"
I felt an arm rap around my waist I tilted my head to see who it was but it was Levi he was laying next to me so close to me that our lips could touch
"Get of me" I said trying to remove his arm but he held on, his grip was firm
"No let's just stay like this"
"That's the first you've said my name today"
"Get of me"
I looked up at Levi but he was asleep
What you were just...! Ugh

Levi's POV
I looked at (Y/N) but as soon as I looked back I was asleep
I guess I just forgot how comfy and soft and warm she was
I love her so much

3rd person POV
Eren Sasha and mikasa all looked at the two people on the floor sleeping arm in arm
"Will you look at that" eren said crossing his arm as a smirk crept on his face
"But when (Y/N) wakes up oh jeez" Sasha said looking at the pair on the floor
"Hey let's leave them so then they can ride in the car together" mikasa said with a grin

Cheater Levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now