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I sighed quietly, my head full of thoughts
We were in the airplane, I looked out the window
The clouds all different shapes and sizes
"Thinking about the two hunks" Sasha giggled
"Not this again" I groaned
She smiled, but suddenly that smile changed into a serious expression
"Hey (Y/N)..."
"What is it now" I looked at her "hey is everything okay?"
"Look" she said, dodging my question "I want you to know, I care about you, and I know I joke a lot about you with Levi and Erwin, but seriously, don't feel pressured, I mean, I support whatever you want, just look after yourself first, make sure you're happy"
I giggled "aww Sasha, I love you"
"Yeah yeah" she smirked "now make sure to buy me some potatoes when we get to Portugal"
"I will"

It was a long journey, but we finally arrived at the hotel and goodness, it was huge
Connie was talking to the receptionist
Whilst the rest of us were looking around
The floor was white and gold and had a marble pattern
If you looked up you could see a crystal chandelier looking right back down at you
"Wow" Armin said
"I know right" Jean smiled
"Alright we're all booked in" Connie said "you're free to go to your rooms"
And so we did

"Guess we're neighbours" a familiar voice said
I turned my head to see Levi
Why am I not surprised
"..." I just glared at him, opening my door then closing it back
God what a nightmare
I set up my things, which took a good chunk of time, and was about to take a quick nap when I heard a knock on my door
"Coming" I said
I opened my door to see everyone in their swimsuits
"We're all gonna take a quick look at the beach" Hange smiled
"Cool have fun" I sighed
"Nah you're coming to" Jean smirked
"But we just got here aren't you guys tired" I groaned
"Yeah yeah, hurry up and get dressed!" Sasha shouted
Hange the slammed my door shut
I had no choice
I put on my bikini and was being dragged to the beach

Sasha, Armin, Connie and Eren were all playing in the water, while Jean and Mikasa were buying some snacks, and Hange managed to build a metal detector, and was digging up stuff she found, Erwin and Levi were talking, which I found weird, but I couldn't care less, and I was chilling on the beach in the shade

Levi's POV
I really didn't get Erwin
He was just head over heels for (Y/N)
He was prepared to fight me for her
Now he's giving me tips on how to win her back
"Ask her to put sunscreen on you" he smirked
"Erwin don't you feel uncomfortable" I asked "just a few day ago you hated me"
"I didn't hate you" he sighed "I never did"
"Just do it" he said, clearly forcing a smile
He pushed me towards (Y/N)
"Hey could you put some sun screen on my back"

"Please" he asked
"Can't you ask Erwin" I sighed
"No, he went to the toilet" he said, squeezing the the bottle "please (Y/N)...I have sensitive skin"
I rolled my eyes "fine"
I took the sunscreen bottle and poured some of it into my hand
Gently rubbing my hands together, and then putting them onto Levi's back
It really been a while, since we did something like this
I felt my face get hot, and that's when I knew I had to stop
"Done" I said finishing up and taking my hands of him, then rubbing the rest of the lotion into a towel
"Can you do my arms as well?" He asked
"N-no, you can do that by yourself" I snapped
He had a sad look on his face
What a drama queen
"I guess" he said "thanks"
He then flopped his body next to mine
"W-what are you doing?" I asked
He yawned "laying down"
"I-can't you go somewhere else" I sighed "and don't you have to put sunscreen on your arms"
I felt an arm rap around my waist
"Let's just stay like this" he said "like last time at the beach, and plus sunscreen can wait"
I was about to yell at him, when I heard soft snoring coming from beside me
He fell asleep!

Erwin's POV
Don't look
But I couldn't help myself
I felt the tears roll down my cheeks
Gently travelling to my neck and onto my chest
Don't look
But I just couldn't help it
This was my present, to Levi
As a sorry
As a thank you
I dried my tears
And forced a smile

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