Get your shit together

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Levi's POV
I sighed a long breath "it's done, I sent it"
"Good" Eren chuckled "now you go over there, and you tell her how you feel, and hope for the best"
"I will" I said, taking another sip of my beer "and, thanks man, I needed this"
"Hey, no problem" he smiled "just don't get sappy on me, it's weird"
I laughed "see you later"
"See ya" I heard him shout out as I exited the bar
I was gonna do this
I was gonna get my girl back

(Y/N)'s POV
My heads in utter shock
Erwin kissed me and Levi texted me
That was the only thing going through my mind
Gosh (Y/N) get your shit together
I looked up to see Levi
His grey-blue orbs staring into my own
"Uh, hi, I got your message" I said
"Yeah..." he said rubbing the back of his neck "I wanted to talk about, us"
"Us..." I chuckled "there is no, us, you lying, cheating, good for nothing, son of a bit-"
"Okay!" He stopped me "I get it, what I did was indescribable, it's was wrong and I hurt the person, who I love the most, and trust me, I regret it"
"Okay..." I sighed
"Well I want us to try again, get back to what we were" he said
"Levi, I don't know" I lowered my head "you really really hurt me, we can't just go back to what we were it's not that eas-"
"Hi sugar plum!"
I shifted my attention to the new voice, no familiar voice...
"Petra what are you doing here, I told you to leave me-" Levi started
"Oh, well I couldn't find you at your house so I went to Mikasa's place and she told me you would be here" she interrupted "so I had to rush over before you decided to, well do whatever you want to call...this" she pointed at me
"Okay, so Levi you came here to show me, what exactly, cause, it's looking like your trying to show of your new bae here" I said
"(Y/N) I don't know why she's here, I love you okay, I always have, please, can we just talk and be rational about thi-"
"Rational" I laughed "rational. Levi Ackerman. Don't ever talk or call me again."
"He doesn't want to talk to you anyway bitch" I heard Petra shout
"(Y/N)! Look I just wanted to say I'm sor-" I turned around to see, Erwin...!
"This is such a fucking joke" I heard Levi say "you know what, (Y/N) how the hell can you say I'm in the wrong or I'm the one who has to 'sort out my side piece' when your the one fucking around with Erwin, Erwin!"
"I am not fucking around with Erwin" I shouted at him
"Oh yeah, really, so if your not" Levi said as he walked up towards Erwin "let him say what he was sorry guess is that he tried to touch you, huh, feel you up, the way I used to, right?"
"You know what, so what if I did" Erwin shouted "who the hell are you, to tell me not to confess my feelings or try to hug or kiss (Y/N), you had it all man, and then you lost it, but don't act like your her boyfriend"
"Erwin now really isn't the time, can you all just go" I said rubbing my head
"Yeah sweetie for once the bitch is right, plus my feet are killing me in these heels" Petra smirked "plus I was think we could maby-"
"Whatever, let's go" Levi said, sliding his hands into his pockets and heading of to his car
I watched as they drove of, away into the distance
"Erwin, please stop" I said to him
"What do you mean, (Y/N) if this is about the kiss, I am truly sor-"
"No that's not it, I just meant, this weird thing between us" I continued "I just want this friendship to go back to the way they it was, okay"
He chuckled sadly "ha, sure, call me when you need me, I'm around"
"Yeah" I said back
He then got into his car driving away
Get you shit together (Y/N), get your shit together

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