Let the games begin

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And there you found yourself, being pulled by Erwin
How did my life manage to come to this, I blame you Levi
"(Y/N), were here" Erwin said to you, pulling you out from your thoughts
"Ah, Okay, where are the others" you said brushing yourself of
"In the cafe, they said they would meet us there" he said back smiling down at you
"Let's go then" you said stomping of to find the cafe
"Er, (Y/N) it's this way" Erwin said chuckling softly
"Yes, er, I knew that" you said stomping the other way

Finally, you had reached the cafe

You saw everyone there, the whole gang
Mikasa, Eren, Connie, Jean, Armin, Sasha and well, Levi and that slut
"(Y/N), it's been to long" Jean said greeting you with a smile and a hug
"Yeah, how have you been?" You said returning the same greeting
"Good thanks" he said letting you go
"People, I hope you all know why were here" Sasha said clasping her hands together "challenge reunion!!"
"Oh, that" you heard Connie mumble
"Yes that, were all gonna be split into groups of 2 or 3"
"I get to pick groups" Mikasa perked up
"Fine" Sasha said rolling her eyes
"Ok, so, Erwin and me, Sasha and Jean, Levi, Eren, and Connie, and Petra and (Y/N)" she said as she smirked at Levi
"Oh no you didn't!" Connie yelled
"Oh yes I did!" Mikasa yelled back
"Yeah, well it was nice knowing you all, but if you don't mind I'll take my leave now, bye" you said smiling sarcastically
"Oh and there she goes, guess I get Levi. All. To. Myself" she said to you
Deep breaths (Y/N), deep breaths
"You know what, fine, let's do a challenge" you said slamming your stuff on the table as you turned around
"Okay" she said smirking at you
"So we will have to win Levi that huge bear over there, who ever gets it first wins" you said, glaring at her
"Okay so what happens if either of us win" she said
"If I win, you have to stay away from Levi forever, and buy me a ticket to Spain for 2 weeks" you said, the same glare remaining on your face
"Okay, but if I win, you have to stay away from Levi forever, and I get to do whatever I want with him, but you can't interfere" she said back, that evil smirk still laid on her face
"Fine" you said
"Fine" she said back
"Looks like you have, two girls now" you heard Mikasa mumble to Levi

And that was it
Let the games begin

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