Anyone can kiss levi

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You woke up to find Levi cuddled up in your arms like a cute puppy, you looked around to see if Sasha was there so you could go home but she wasn't
Damn you guys!!!
"Hey..." Levi said looking up at me with that still cold expression
"Get off me Levi" I said pushing him off and dusting my self off as I stood up packing my things after
"(Y/N) can I have a ride Mikasa is gone and I didn't bring my car" he said, getting his things as he stood up
"...sure I'll feel like shit if I don't but don't talk to me on the way" I said looking at him with hate

~time skip~
Levi's POV
The drive was silent and long, (Y/N) didn't talk to me once
Should I say something well she told me to be silent but I feel I need to say something
"Hey (Y/N) remember the time when me and you went to Disney land and I wet my pants in front of that whole crowd" i said with a slight chuckle
"Oh yeah I remember you were so drunk and very pissed in the morning" she said laughing at the memory and her little joke she put in
"And remember when you at the whole cake so you didn't have to waste your money"I said laughing at the thought
"Yeah I felt so sick afterwards" she said laughing like a crazed fan girl
I looked at (Y/N) for awhile she was so beautiful
She hade gorgeous (H/C) hair that shined every time you looked at it and (E/C) eyes that looked so breathtaking when you stared into them and lips I could kiss for days
As we slowly arrived at my house I saw
What the fuck I thought I told her to fuck of
"Looks like you have a visitor" (Y/N) said looking at the car that was parked in front of us

I could feel Petra's smirk shoot right through my whole body
"Bye and thanks for the ride" Levi said as I watched him walk out of the car and towards
She threw herself on him but he pushed her of and I could feel his cold stare from here
Suddenly Petra kissed him
"Who the fuck do you think you are Petra kissing him like that don't you see he doesn't like you" I said walking out and slamming my car door
"Bitch look he clear-"
"No Petra you look Levi doesn't like you don't you see that"
"Ugh your just a low life bitch who thinks she doesn't care about Levi when she actually does" Petra said to me as she grabbed Levi kissing him once again
"Fuck you Petra" I said as I ran up to her and punched her hard in the face
Yes finally hey this feel pretty good
"Sorry Levi but your side chick here doesn't get that she isn't the main chick" I said running to my car as Petra got up and was about to punch me right back
"Wait (Y/N)-" Levi was about to say something but I didn't hear the rest I quickly ran back into my car a drove off
(Future author chan note
So my writing here was shit so I changed it up btws I was tired af so please don't roast me 😭any bye love ya)

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