Stupid bastard

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(Y/N)'s POV
This idiot!!!
I heard a giggle from above me
"Woah now, looks like you two made up"
I looked up to see Jean, smirking at me
"No we didn't" I shoved Levi off me
He's eyes fluttered open
"(Y/N)..." he sighed, staring at me
"I'm going back to the hotel" I said ignoring Levi
"Already" Mikasa said, surprised
"Yeah, see you lot there" I said walking off

Levi's POV
I smiled softly
"Good luck, Levi" Jean grinned
"Thanks but I don't think I need it" I said
"Oh really" Jean laughed out
I smirked back "Yeah, really"

~later in the evening~
(Y/N)'s POV
I was in my hotel room
Trying to hook up my laptop to the tv so I could watch some Netflix
When a ding came from my phone
"Come down stairs! NOW!!!"
It was from Connie
I groaned, opening the door and closing it behind me
I walked down the stairs and saw Connie and a couple of the others waiting there already
"Alright it's just Eren and Jean we have to wait for now" Connie grinned
Petra sighed "this better be good Connie"
"I'll tell you all what's happening-ah here comes the final two" Connie said "alright we're going to a bar, to celebrate our night together"
Sasha smiled "sounds fun"
"Yeah. Well I'm guessing we're going now" Jean smirked
"We are, I hired a limo to take us" Connie said, wiggling his eyebrows
We all got in the limo one bye one, and drove of to the bar

I could here the music blasting, and the smell of liquor floated about
"Now this is what I'm talking about" Eren yelled out
"Yeah!!!" Sasha and Jean screamed
"A chance for love" Hange pokes at my shoulder
"No" I sighed
"Come on guys what are we waiting for" Connie yelled
The music was deafening but utter bliss at the same time
We found a booth in the corner and decided to claim it
"Hey guys how about we do something" Sasha yelled out
"That's exactly what I was thinking" Petra smiled "how about a little competition, between me and (Y/N), to settle the score, since we didn't really get to finish our match at the funfair"
I rolled my eyes "this is ridiculous"
"Whoever can hold there liquor" she smirked "gets to have Levi walk them home alone for the night"
I could feel my anger rise
"Oh but, of course you don't have to do it" she smirked
My head wanted to say no so badly..
But my heart...
"I'll do it"
Wanted to say yes
We each picked up a glass full with rum
I felt the heavy liquid flow into my mouth
Glass after glass I went on
The music flowing through my ears, until I couldn't hear it anymore
Glass after glass

I looked up to see Petra's head smashed on the table
I had won
Gosh I didn't no I was so good at drinking
"That's w-what you get" I laughed "miserable bitch, get your own boyfri-"
I felt my head crash onto the table
My eyes fluttered shut, darkness surrounding me

Levi's POV
I watch as the two girls snored on the table
Jean laughed "gosh, well down they go"
"Look at how many glass they each had, 13 for Petra and 15 for (Y/N)" Eren stated
I guess that means I'm walking (Y/N) home
I felt my face get hot, and my heart was beating so fast
"Levi can we talk for a second"
I looked up to see Sasha, her arms crossed

"What's up?" I asked
We're standing outside, away from the others
The cool breeze hitting the back of my neck
"Don't do this" Sasha said "I've always joked around when it comes to you and (Y/N) but..."
I looked at her "what do you mean?"
She sighed softly "give up"
I ran my hand through my hair
"(Y/N)'s confused, and this isn't helping. She's hurt and annoyed...and you keep pushing her"
"Sasha, I don't want to give up, I don't expect (Y/N) to forgive, and I have no intention of doing anything wrong to her if that's what you think" I paused "but at least let me hover around her, please. I miss her every day, and I will always hate myself for what I did to her"
I look up at Sasha, hoping she'll understand my plea
"Just don't hurt her, or I will kill you"
I watched her walk away back into the bar
I decided to go back in as well

"Where's Levi!?"
A familiar voice
(Y/N)'s voice
"Where is he huh! I won didn't I! I should get my prize..."
I looked at her waving her arms about
She picked up a bottle and slid it into her pocket
"I'm here" I said taking the bottle out and putting it down
"What are you doing that's my alcohol you bastard!" She shouted
"Enough drinking I'll take you home"
I grabbed her hand, intertwining my fingers with hers

We were finally alone and away from the bar
Are hands still grasping together
I could see a smiled on (Y/N)'s, it was nice
"What are you so happy about?" I asked, apart of me knowing what the answer would be
"We get to walk together" she giggled
I felt a warm feeling rush to my heart
"But" she stopped "why. Why did you cheat on me, what did I do so wrong"
All the words escaped my mouth, that question
I never realised what I did, effected her in this way
I just thought she hated me, that she resented me
I look at her tears flowing down her flushed cheeks
"Why!?" She screamed out, kneeling down on the floor "why..."
My heart broke into piece
"Please forgive me, (Y/N), I'm just a stupid bastard after all"

Author~chan here, sorry I haven't posted in ages, my brain hade a malfunction, and is currently in the process of not acting like an idiot, so please bare with me 😂🤣
All jokes aside I really hope you enjoyed the chapter
In a bit
Love ya 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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