Fuck you

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Levi's POV
I didn't understand
What was happening
I thought this was a friendly gathering
I felt a light tap on my shoulder
"Hey, can we talk?" I looked up to see Erwin, a wide smile spread across his face

Why am I even doing this
A fish rode in my hand and a lot of dignity sinking down an invisible drain, here I was fighting for a man who cheated on me
What the fuck am I doing
"Thinking of backing out, (Y/N)?" Petra said that smug smirk still hung on her face
"...no" I said tightening my grip "not yet at least"

Levi's POV
"So Erwin, what did you want to talk about" I said leaning against the wall of the alleyway we were in
"Look, I'll just cut to the chase, stay away from (Y/N)" he said that wide smile completely gone
"And why should" I said crossing my arms
"I'm gonna be frank, (Y/N) needs time away from you, can't you see what this is doing to her" he said, a worrisome expression plastered on his face
"Look, Levi, I-I'm not telling you to stay away from her completely, I'm just saying maybe you could take some time away from her, she stresses a lot about you and when I have to be there, patting her back as she cries in my arms it breaks my heart to see it" he said
"...I knew it, you like (Y/N), I can't believe I didn't see it before, every time I held her hand, hugged her, kissed her, you would always mumble something under your breath. I bet you were praying for the day we would break up, so your sad lonely arse could come up and take her" I said, my voice filled with anger
"You know what. Fuck you Levi, you know I always put up with you and your bullshit. Your sad self always coming up to me when (Y/N) was mad at you, and you know what I always wanted to do. I wanted to punch you so hard, punch you so hard that you would bleed" he said gripping his fist
"Fuck you to Erwin!" I said punching him square in the face

Punches were being thrown everywhere
"Jesus, hey break it up" someone tried to stop me and Erwin but it didn't help "hey! hey! we need help over here"

We were both covered in blood
My toe was broken
Erwin's nose was broken
We were both taken to the hospital
But fuck my head was killing me

Cheater Levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now