A/N - thank you

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Thank you guys so much for 1k reads, I never thought I would get that
It really means a lot
I love you guys so much 😊
And I hope you continue to read and enjoy this Levi x reader story of mine
And here my present to you guys, 🎂🎂🎂cakes and a short story

I opened my apartment door, to see Levi sleeping on the couch like a cute little baby
He's quiet snoring drifting around into the air
"He so cute" I said slowly walking up to him and crouching down beside he's head
I carefully grazed his nose, and my other hand played with his hair
I could see a slight smile creep on he's sleeping face
"Your cute" I heard him mumble out
"Sorry did I wake you" I was about to get up but he grabbed my wrist pulling me on the couch so that I was laying beside him
"And so sweet to" He said, his still gaze turning to look at my lips "so sweet"
He pulled me into a passionate and kind kiss
He soft lips pulled to mine
After a few seconds we broke apart
"Levi, what was that for" I said looking at him
"I love you, that's why" he said slowly closing he's eyes and falling back to sleep, pulling me close to him
"I love you too" I said kissing his forehead and drifting of to sleep with him

Cheater Levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now