Bitting down on a potato

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9:06, and I was still in bed
I didn't feel like getting up
I couldn't
What happened last night still lingers
Erwin...and Levi
Ding dong
Ugh...who is it?
I got up my feet sliding across the floor
"(Y/N), it's me Sasha"
I opened the door, to find her with a pitiful look and a bag of Doritos
"Aww babe" she hugged me
"Uhh...what are you doing here" I said hugging her back
"Umm, well to be honest, I came here to steal your potatoes, but, I felt like I should come here with some sort of gift so I got Doritos, now I'm glad I came, you would have never told me your sitting at home like this" she patted my shoulder
"Don't give me sympathy" I smiled "I'm fine just a lot of thing happened yesterday..."
"Ooo, like what, tell me" she said bitting down on a potato

Levi's POV
I didn't think I could fuck up that bad
I've lost her for real now
...I wish I had done things differently
It was my phone
"...yo come down we need to chat"

"What the hell do you want" I said
"You won" Erwin, smiled sadly
"...what?" I said
He sighed "(Y/N) won't ever give me her heart, because it will always belong to you"
"...don't fuck with me Erw-"
"I'm not, so shut up and listen" he shouted "...i was jealous...of you. When you first started dating (Y/N), I hated you, with all my being, even though I was supposed to be your best friend"
"..." I stayed quite
"I hated the fact that you had (Y/N), the fact that you would hold her hand, hug her, kiss her, I hated it all, because I loved her too, but when you two started dating, I just couldn't look at you and not feel resentment" he sighed "I tried everything to make her like me, or at least look in my direction, I even dated, thinking it would make her jealous...fuck I was a fool. But after I confessed my feelings, I realised that she will never like me in that way, because she likes you"
"Erwin..." I rubbed the back of my head
"I know you won't forgive me, I was terrible to you" he chuckled "my mind says I should give up move on, and let you have her...but my heart doesn't want to"
"So try hard okay, to get her back, but I won't give up, I just want you to know that...if I see an opportunity, I'll take it, so watch out" he laughed
"Erwin, wai-"
"See you around bud" he walked, turning his back to me while waving his hand
"I'm sorry you had to go through that pain" I whispered, walking of back to my apartment

Erwin's POV
I could feel the tears trickle down my face
Fuck, I probably look like a freak
I didn't know if what I did was right
I meant every word I told him though
I love (Y/N), more than anything
...but she doesn't love me
I could feel the tears get heavier and heavier and more ran down my cheeks
Fuck I hate crying
I couldn't promise him that I'll stop, but I know she won't ever choose me
I really hate crying
Come on Levi I'm rooting for you

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