I really can't wait

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"So that's what happened..." I said massaging my head at the thought
"Ooo I'm so jealous" Sasha giggles
"How, what's happening to me is a nightmare" I screamed out
"Umm what?! You have two total hotties, fighting over you, that's a dream" she poked my shoulder
"Sure in your world" I grumbled
"Oh I have news too" she said chewing on her potato
"What news?" I asked
"So, Connie, won the lotto" she said
"What?!" I shouted
"Yeah, pretty random if you ask me" she said
"Very random...well actually, he's been trying to win that thing for years" I said
"Yeah well, that is true, anyway he said he's gonna book a huge holiday for all of us" she squealed at the thought "oh but he did say we have to pay for the airplane ticket and half to our hotel room, so"
"That's fair, oh how much did he win, and when are we going?" I asked
"About...let me think, twelve to thirteen million, it was one of those ongoing lottos, or whatever, meaning the money just kept growing" she said clapping her hands together "and we're going in 3 days"
"Gosh this is so random, oh and where are we going" I sighed
"Portugal, I really can't wait to go" she smiled "and maybe you and Levi, might get back together, or you and Erwin"
I rolled my eyes "I'm not going to go out with either of them, I'm sick of both of them at this point"
She giggled "I really can't wait"

Levi's POV
I sat there sipping on my black tea
What Erwin said, played through my mind on an endless loop
I couldn't believe it
I had some many questions
So many-
That voice
"Levi don't worry, I'm here to protect you"
"Connie you brat!!" I shouted out "you broke my door asshole!!"
"Who cares I can buy you a new one" he smirked "I see your fine then"
"Of course I am!!" I screamed out "I can protect myself idiot"
"Okay whatever, anyway I have big news" he smiled
I rolled my eyes "I don't care"
"So" he said ignoring me "I won the lotto, finally"
My eyes widened in shock
He's been trying to win that for years, I even remember trying to get him help for it, the guy was addicted
"You really won" I asked
"Yeah, so I've decided we're all gonna go on a holiday" he giggled
"What to the beach, I've been so many times" I sighed
"No, to Portugal, it'll be with the whole gang and it's in 3 days" he said "so don't be late"
"Sure, sure whatever" I said "now go, and fix my door on the way out"
"I mean it Levi" he said sighing "ever since you and (Y/N) broke up, you look so depressed, so come okay, hopefully it will help you two reconnect"
I felt my heart pound in my chest
I did miss (Y/N), badly
Maybe this will help us

3 days passed quickly, and I was being dragged to the airport by Sasha
She was right the whole gang was here
Well at least the ones who could make it
Sasha, me, Connie, Mikasa, Jean, Armin, Eren, Hange, Petra, Erwin, Levi
"Hange" I screamed out "gosh it's been so long"
"I know, I missed you all so much" she smiled "but I did here about what happened with you and Levi"
"Let not speak about that" I coughed "and I would feel a lot better if I didn't have to see him"
I looked at her face, a crooked smirk shone on it
"Okay, I understand, let's all just have a good time!" She giggled mischievously
I felt my blood run cold, what on earth was she gonna do...
I glanced over at Erwin, than at Levi
Gosh, what on earth am I gonna do

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