Inching closer

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Levi's POV
I felt the cold beer flood into my mouth, the bar was quite and the sound of jazz music filled the room
"So, umm" Eren said rubbing his forehead with his right hand and sipping his drink with the other
I waited, patiently, as to hear what he needed to say
"Look, Levi, you are one of the most important people I know, we've known each other for, what was it, 15 years or so, I don't want to see you get hurt. I get it your in love with (Y/N), but I think...I think you have to give her some space, I mean at least till she feels comfortable being around you, I mean, for god sakes she ran of with Erwin an-"
"...your right" I said cutting him off "your absolutely right. I hate it, I hate seeing her with him, and what hurts even more is that its him, one of my closets friends, now I know, I messed up big time, I deserve it, but I can't stop Eren, I love (Y/N) and I won't stop trying to get her back. Whatever it takes I will do it"
"I know you won't" he said shaking his head "I know you won't..."

(Y/N)'s POV
I slammed the door shut as Erwin fell onto the sofa
"Ugh! Can you believe him?" I shouted out in fury "that jerk, he acts like he controls my life. We. Broke. Up. What so hard to understand about that, grappling onto me like a leach"
"(Y/N) don't worry about Levi, he's not here, so don't let him get inside your head" Erwin said spinning me around to hug me
I let my hands swing loosely by my sides "I know, I'm sorry"
He brought my hands up and put them around his neck "(Y/N) don't be afraid to hug me, I'm hear for you, okay" he said, his soft breaths hitting against my neck, as his inched his body closer to mine
"Erwin" I said trying to push him off "I-I really appreciate what you've been doing bu-"
He inched closer, I felt his chest press up against mine, his lips slightly grazing my neck
"(Y/N), stop" I heard him say into my ear "I know what your going to say, but I don't want to hear it" he continued, inching closer into the hug "I love you (Y/N), I've spent, and still do spend days and nights just thinking about you, I know it may sound crazy, seeing as all of this is coming from your ex's best friend" he inched closer "but I can't hold back anymore, I love you so much, so before... before you shut me down, j-just let me have this moment, please..." he took a deep breath and kissed my cheek softly
"Er-Erwin I-" but before I could finish he cut me off, his lips pressed against mine
My hold body froze, I didn't know what to think
But one thing I knew, was that this was wrong, I didn't love Erwin, and I don't think I ever will
A bitter feeling filled my stomach, this was wrong, why was this happening
Erwin, d-did I lead him on, but I thought he just liked me as a friend
I thought h-
It was my phone
I snapped back to reality and pushed Erwin off
"W-what was that about?!" I shouted out confused and angry
"I-I don't know, (Y/N) I'm so sorry, I-" he said back, rubbing his head with his palm
"Look Erwin, I'm gonna go, okay, talk to you later" I said opening the door and closing it behind, hearing him call out my name over and over, until I was so far gone I couldn't hear him anymore

I pulled out my phone and checked the message I got earlier
It was from Levi
I thought I hade blocked him
I read it carefully
"Hey (Y/N), I really want to talk, I wanna solve this, so we can both be happy again"
I rolled my eyes
"I really care about you, look, I coming over to your house at 7:30, I want to talk about this, see you there, love you :)"
What the fuck...

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