A/N - Happy Halloween

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Levi's POV
"Levi, hurry man, the party is about to start, and if we don't make it Sasha will kill me" Eren said to me, as he pulled on my costume

I was wearing a devil costume, that had fake blood dripping from my horns, where as Eren, well he was a werewolf and his fluffy ears and tail bounced up and down as he ran
"Okay, okay..." I said, trying to slow him down
Man was this gonna be crazy

"Are you sure I can wear this Sasha" I said putting on my halo and wings
"Of course, plus it looks so good on you, I bet you-know-who will like it to" Sasha said twirling around in her mummy costume, and giggling slightly
"Sasha, you know me and him are not on the best of terms, plus I don't even want to see him at all, I'm just here to have fun" I said, crossing my arms
"Fine...i still ship it though"
"What was that"
"Nothing...oh look at the time, the guests should be arriving soon, er, come down when your ready" she nervously giggled, as she quickly went down stairs
"What a crazy girl" I chuckled as I did the rest of my costume up

Levi's POV
Ugh the music is way to loud
"Come on Levi, don't give me that face, loosen up, mingle" Eren said, as he took another shot of whiskey, the strong liquid trickling down the side of his chin
"Eren, I just can't, I keep think about her and you know...plus, if I get drunk how would we get home" I said chuckling softly
"Fine..." he said swigging another shot of whisky
Bloody hell he can drink

At last, Sasha came down and thanked everybody for coming to her Halloween party
Except, my eyes kept searching, for her
Then finally I saw her
She looked stunning
Her hair was neatly done up and her costume wrapped carefully around her body
Her luscious lips painted a glossy light pink
That was her...
For a split second we locked eyes, although it felt like years
She quickly looked down then headed towards the stairs
"E-Eren don't get to drunk yeah, I'll be right back, and no more flirting with the bartender" I shouted out as I bolted for the stairs
"Aww man, well, will talk later" Eren said winking his eye at the bartender

There I saw her, standing on the balcony, stretching her arms out
"(Y/N)!!" I called out, she looked back her face still
"Levi, don't okay, you know I don't wanna talk to you right now" she said, turning back to face the sky
"I know" I said my monotone voice shaking a bit
"So, what is it" she said, crossing her arms
I carefully walked up to her and hugged her from behind my lips kissing her soft, sweet neck
"I'm sorry (Y/N)" I said, hugging her tighter
"...for..." she said, pouting her lips
"For watching starcross without you" I said mumbling it out
"Yeah, you should be, how could you" she said turning round to face me
"Yeah I know, I'm sorry...but you look super cute by the way" I said, slightly smiling at her
"Thanks, you look very handsome as well" she said smiling back
"I love you (Y/N), you know that right" I said, kissing her lips than breaking apart after a few seconds
"I know, I love you too" she said, kissing me back, those soft lips against mine

I hope you like this little, um, Halloween thing
I didn't really know if I should have done this or not, but, who the hell cares right
Anyway happy Halloween 😊
Love you all

A/N I hope you like this little, um, Halloween thingI didn't really know if I should have done this or not, but, who the hell cares right Anyway happy Halloween 😊Love you all

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P.S - I don't own the art (I just thought it looked cute)

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