We need to talk

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Levi's POV
"Ahah your fucked" Mikasa said to me laughing hard at what I've put my self through "you know your never gonna get a jem like (Y/N) back right she was like pure gold even if she did get on my nerves"
"Fuck of Mikasa" i said rubbing my head "you think I don't fucking know that"
I could feel my tears ripple down my face as we stopped at a traffic light
"Look you did fuck up, so why not try to get her back eh, you never know it might work" Mikasa said while driving past the green light
I just nodded my head letting go for a second as I slowly drifted of to sleep
6.29. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. It's been 1 night without Levi
I could feel the tears slowly run down my cheeks
No (y/n) you can do this be strong forget about that jerk. Let go
(Time skip. Because she just does the normal things like eat get dressed)
As I walked into work I saw the daily things you would see in an office people gossip, laugh, talk about days off and breaks
"Hey (y/n), some girl came in said she wanted to talk to you anyway she left after I told her you where not here"
"K thanks kit"
-time skip-
I was packing up my things when I heard a knock at my door
It was Mikasa
Me and her didn't really get along we were really just nice to each other because of Levi but now things have changed...
"We need to talk now"

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