Part 1: Meet again

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4 year later in Bangkok city.

" Papa, Min can't breath."

Little girl told her papa with a painful voice made a beautiful man got up from bed immediately with panic expression. He placed his hand on his little daughter's forehead and seems like his daughter got fever.

Minnie or Min is his only beloved daughter. She was ill and seems like to serious than usual. At the age three, Minnie made him worried about her a lot. Today she had a fever since evening and she got better after took some medicine but At the midnight, her fever is hotter and hotter.

" Minnie, be patient baby. Papa will bring Minnie to the hospital."

Arthit hurried up put some important thing in the bag and palpated his daughter's forehead again. Her symptoms wasn't got any better. He then carried her in to his arm and walked out from his apartment. First, he thought that his daughter would got better after he took medicine so he could bring her to the hospital at the morning because the weather was so cold. He was afraid that his daughter's fever will more serious on the way to the hospital.

Now Minnie's face looked so red because of high fever and weakness. She didn't feeling well and stared to cry without tears made Arthit much more worried.

" Hik Hik... Mommy, Minnie can't breathe. Help Minnie, mommy"

A painful voice came from Minnie mouth made Arthit shed his tears while waiting a taxi.

" Minnie be patient baby, mommy is going to take you to the hospital. Minnie will better soon."

Minnie didn't listen Arthit's word at all. She kept crying until fatigued.

" Daddy..."

" Daddy's at hospital."

" Minnie want to meet daddy."

" We go to meet daddy together, baby"

Minnie slowly nodded her head.

Arthit held his daughter tightly. His tears shed by fear. He's really pity his daughter so much if he can change, he want to replace her.

Seeing his daughter like that make him hate someone more because if he didn't abandoned both of them, his daughter will not suffer like that.

Kongpob Suthilak, he was the builder of all the wound and pain in Arthit's heart. Arthit hate him and doesn't want to meet him again in his life.

Everything started when Arthit studied at university. He met Kongpob at there, He's Kongpob's senior. Their love story was blessful from everyone and his family but everything was ruined by Kongpob's hand. Arthit had run away from his homeland near 4 years, he can't face his parents. They must be ashamed to have a son like him.

( I shouldn't think about that guy again)

While waiting for taxi. Arthit's eyes caught at someone who is walking over him.

" Kongpob." Arthit mumured to himself

Arthit shook his head. " Stop thinking about him."

Suddenly, the person who Arthit thought about was standing in front of him. Arthit was shocked. He is really Kongpob. Arthit seemed to be frozen. His whole was suddenly fixed as a painting and even his breathing stopped.

After a while, he slowly come back to the reality , he pulled hat on Minnie's jacket out and cover his daughter face. Kongpob can't see his daughter's face because her face look alike Kongpob. Arthit can feel his hand starting to tremble. He tries to calming himself down.

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