Part 3: Kongpob's request

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" Minnie, where did you go baby? Minnie made mommy worried you so bad. You know?"

Arthit asked as his hand caresses Minnie's cheek softly.

" Minnie went to hospital with daddy and then we went to shopping. Daddy bought Minnie a big teddy bear and big turtle. Minnie love it."

Minnie told Arthit with her excitement. Arthit then sent a glance at Kongpob again.

" In the morning, I saw you're not feeling well, I didn't want to disturbance you and want you get some rest so I brought Minnie to meet the doctor alone."

Kongpob had explain everything to Arthit with a smile.

" Hmm"

" P'Arthit I..."

" Kongpob Let's have a talk."

" Yes, P'Arthit."

Arthit then turn to talk with Minnie.

" Minnie, stay with uncle a moment."

" Okay Mommy."

Kongpob and Arthit walked to the living room leave Minnie with Kongpob's bodyguard. When they arrived at the living room, Arthit look at Kongpob's face with a long though.

" Kongpob, let me go."

" What?"

" Don't mess with my life. I and Minnie live together is enough. We don't need you in our life."

" But I'm her father."

" Yes, I know but you also have child with your wife right? You have your family, why are you still want to mess up with Minnie?"

" P'Arthit, please listen to me."

" Kongpob, leave me alone please."

" P'Arthit, I never had child with other beside you. I never married and I also didn't cheat on you too."

" I don't want to know."

" All I said is true. I did admit that I break up with you because I have no choice."

" It's your business. Just stop messing up with me."

After said that word, Arthit could see Kongpob shooting him with cold stares. Arthit turned his head because he didn't want to see Kongpob's face.

" Sorry, I cannot Let you go P'Arthit."

" You can Kongpob. Stop selfish. I will let you meet Minnie whenever you want."


" I can take care her by myself."

" How to take care her? You didn't have a stable job. Your health is not good too. I checked your past medical treatment and saw you have depression too. If you don't want me to take Minnie away, You must live here."

Kongpob got a slap on his face again by Arthit. Arthit's face shadow with anger. He bite his lower lips so hard, looks at Kongpob and complains.

" I tried my best to raise her. All theses years, how hard I am,You know? but I never blamed anyone."

" I know, you tried your best but it's not enough. P'Arthit, think about Minnie, think about her future. She should get everything better than that."

" You're blaming me?"

" No, I blam myself. I destroyed everything by my hands. I gave up you at the first place but it's not my intention. I didn't knew you were pregnant, I didn't knew we have Minnie. I found you everywhere, finding you like a crazy person. Please give me chance, let me hold her, raise her and do my duty as her father, P'Arthit."

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