Part 26: Our wedding

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Life is full of many unexpected things, after going through too many things in life finally they can find their happiness again.

It has been 3 months that Arthit and Kongpob got back together again. Even until now Arthit still can't believe that he and Kongpob could have this day, the day that there are no obstacles in their love, the days that they truly got blessing from their family, the day that they had been waiting for their entire life and today is their wedding day.

Arthit was very nervous, waiting in the room with the makeup staff while Kongpob, Minnie and both of their parents were welcoming the guest who attended the wedding at the ceremony hall.

" You looked so beautiful. I'm not wonder anymore that why Khun Kongpob fall in love with you. By the way, Congratulations to your wedding na."

The staff said after they finished their job to make up and dress up for Arthit.

Arthit smiled shyly to them and said, " Thank you!!"

" Okay, you should rest a little bit before the ceremony start, you looked tired." She said worrying when she looked at the beautiful man's face even after make up he still looked a little pale.

Arthit nodded his head agreeing with her because he really feel nervous and tired.

Kongpob frowned at his exhausted lover the moment he stepped in. He hurriedly went to check on his lover condition.

He carefully held on Arthit's cheek and asked, " Are you okay? Should we postpone the wedding to another days?"

What Kongpob was saying now? A whole hotel full of the guest and he still wanted to delay the wedding?

Arthit sighed, " I'm definitely okay kong. Don't worry too much. Can you please calm down?"

Kongpob sat beside Arthit and hold Arthit's hand, said worrying " How can I calm down? When I think about this. Now you are pregnant with the twin, I will worried and don't want to exhaust your body. Actually P'Arthit would rest well..."

Arthit giggled, " Then kiss me to help increase my strength."

Kongpob smiled happily and of course he would never reject his beloved wife request. He leaded over to his beautiful wife and kissed on that sweet lips.

Since his P'Arthit is pregnant with their twin, he liked to ask him kissing him everyday. Kongpob really like the side of Arthit.

Flashback on....

Two weeks ago before wedding day, at noon, the Suthilak family, who were the powerful in business industry, set up the big event at Suthilak five-star hotel, Both Mr and Mrs Suthilak officially invited family, friends, business partners plus famous celebrities and the major media representation of the country to the introduction of the Suthilak family's male daughter-in-law, Arthit Rojnapat Suthilak. Also, they would introduce the first heir of Suthilak family, Minnie Rojnapat Suthilak who was born from the male daughter in law. It was unable to believe that man could get pregnant but after they got the clearly explanation from the doctor who presented at the event about Arthit's rarely cause, they can accept and blessing them even some of them still didn't believe but anyone who wasn't blind could see it, the little girl who was in Kongpob's hand looked like both Kongpob and like Arthit, a combination of the couple in one person.

The world has too many strange things, for both of them who was two man being together and can have their own child, it could be the miracle!!!

Arthit felt relief when everything got very smooth and he has a chance to reunion with his old friend and invite them to join his wedding next two weeks later. All Arthit's friend was very surprised and happy when they can meet their best friend again. After losing news so many years, when he appeared again, not only invited to join his wedding, they also got the big surprise when they meet Minnie but when they listened the whole story from Arthit, all of them felt very sorry for their friend... from now one they really hope that their friend will be forever happy.

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