Part 2: Minnie's Dad

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" I have nothing... I'm a man and I got pregnant. You know how difficult I am? You have heart to take her from me. You're bastard... I hate you. I hate you."

Arthit still keep hitting Kongpob's chest and cries until he's difficult to breath. Kongpob's slowly hugging him and patting Arthit's back.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

" Arthit, Minnie is fine now. Don't worry anymore.You can go to see her."

After heard Dr. Beam voice made Arthit stop crying and walk to him.

" Minnie is safe?"

" Yes. She didn't get any infection. She is better now after I gave medicine and decrease her temperature."

" Thank you P'Beam. I go to see her now."

" Ok. I stay at hospital tonight, if you need anything call me Okay?"

Arthit nods his head and followed nurse to meet his daughter. Kongpob didn't say anything, he kept his silence and walk behind Arthit. Doctor beam looked at the strange man who walk behind Arthit and then he sighed.

" Wish you happy Nong Arthit."

Arthit opened the door. All he could see that a little body was lying on the hospital's bed. He slowly walks to bed and sat down near the bed, caressed his daughter cheek. Kongpob watched Arthit's action without saying anything until Arthit fall asleep. Kongpob gently walked toward him, then he picks Arthit up and carry him. Kongpob slowly puts Arthit on the sofa. Then he take of his black blazer and cover Arthit's body. Arthit must be tired.

" I'm sorry P'Arthit. You must have a hard time."

Kongpob placed a kiss on Arthit's forehead and walked into the bed again. Sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Minnie's face. His hand stroked her little face lightly and then kissed her forehead.

" Dad love you baby. Hope you will forgive Daddy. Dad promise, I will do everything for both of you."


Arthit wake up from his sleep and looked around. It's not hospital room. Where am I?Where is my baby? How can I sleep like a dead person? He started to panic again when he didn't see Minnie in the room. Kongpob must take her away from him for sure.

Arthit walked off from bed and head out from the room. He hurriedly climbs down the stairs and ask the bodyguard.

" Where is my daughter?" Arthit asked with anxiety and shed his tears.

Arthit before never cried but now everything associated with his daughter made him weak.

The bodyguard bow his head to Arthit before he speak.

" Young Miss went out with Master since 1 house ago. Master take her to check up again and will come back soon."

" Why I'm here?"

" Master took you and young miss from the hospital."

" Could you take me to meet my daughter?"

" Sorry Master Arthit, I cannot. Maybe one hour later Master will back. Please wait here."

Master Arthit!! Why the bodyguard call him like that?

" Please, I worried about my daughter."

" Really sorry. I do on my duty."

Arthit can only nodded and walked to the living, sat on the sofa waiting his daughter.

Kongpob carried Minnie and shopping in the supermarket after he brought her to consult at hospital again. They really get attention from everyone in here, a handsome man with little girl in his hand follow by 2 bodyguard. Such as a lovely dad and daughter.

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