Part 4: Their sad story

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3 days later.

Arthit sighs in the early morning, today he has a work to do. He asked his boss permission for 3 days and today he has to come back to work as normal. Because of that he had a fight with Kongpob in this morning until Kongpob let him go to work as usual but he has to let Kongpob's bodyguard follow him. For Minnie Kongpob don't let her go to her kindergarten anymore. He told that it's far and unsafe. He will find a new kindergarten for Minnie so during this time he will bring her to work with him.

Arthit came to work with his worried and apologized to his manager for his absent.
It's uneasy for him to have people follow everywhere and now he worry about Minnie too much. He want to call but doesn't know what to speak with Kongpob.

" You really like Evil, Kongpob."

Kongpob Who Arthit knew before didn't like Kongpob now. Before he liked a nerdy guy and now is not different from Evil.

For Kongpob now, bring his beloved daughter to his office because he was afraid if leaving her with Arthit, Arthit must run away again.

While he walking into his office with Minnie in his hand make a lot of glances from his staff. Their boss who used to make cold dead face today carried a little girl who cute like babie doll to office with a warmly smiles. Everyone around looked at their boss in disbelief with their eye widened!

" Who is this little cute girl?"

And then they heard the words that they never heard since they work here.

" Daddy."

" Yes, baby."

Such as a sweet and gently word from thier boss. Everyone murmured to themselves.

Kongpob was so proud of his daughter as he saw a lot of eye glances at his daughters with
their praise. His lips were silently curving into a smile.

" Daddy, why Minnie don't go to school?"

Little voice asked her dad with her suspicion. As usual Minnie will go to school and play with her friend but she has to come somewhere else she doesn't know and Arthit didn't stay with her at this time made Minnie has a little uneasy in her mind.

" Daddy will find a new school for Minnie soon but now Minnie go to work with daddy. At the evening we go to pick up mommy from his workplace together, Okay?"

Minnie slowly nods her head.

At Kongpob's office.

Minnie was bored as she has no friend to play with and didn't know to speak with who. Daddy was busy with his work so she only sat on the sofa and held her little turtle with sadness expression. Kong's seeing his daughter behavior and smiled, his little girl maybe was bored and tired.

" Minnie want to buy cake or not, daddy will tell uncle jay to accompany Minnie."

Kongpob can't escape from his work because he has a lot of documents to check and sign, he can't accompany his daughter to play. He then nods his head to his bodyguard. Jay knows his works just he saw his boss actions. He hurriedly walks to Minnie.

" Cake?  Wow Minnie likes!!"

Minnie shouts with her excitement and she hurriedly get off from sofa.

" Yes my baby. Go with uncle jay for a while, Daddy will hurry finish daddy's work. At afternoon we'll have lunch together, Okay na?"

" Okay Daddy."

" Jay, Bring my baby to buy snack. Don't carry her, just hold hand, understand?"

" Yes Boss. Let's go young miss."

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