Part 15: why did you lie to me?

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Arthit's eyes looked at his baby who crying and trying to release herself from Khaofang. His tears started to flow out because he was very fear, fear that this crazy woman will hurt his baby girl.

" Help..."

Arthit's weak voice came from his mouth when he saw the door opening. Jay and doctor Beam ran to inside making him felt relief as his baby was saved from the damn bitch who getting crazy because of man. When those man release him from their hand made him fall on the ground because he didn't have much strength anymore. Even when doctors Beam helped him getting up but he still couldn't stand.

" Nong Arthit, Are you Okay?" Doctor Beam asked while his eyes checked Arthit's situation.

" I'm okay! Help my baby P'Beam."

Arthit was so pale that his face was as white as the paper. His forehead was covered by sweat. Breathing rapidly as his stomach hurt so badly.
Arthit lost his consciousness as soon as he can see his baby was in Jay's hand.


Kongpob has left from the meeting and rushed to the hospital immediately when he got the news from Jay. His heart was beat very fast because of what he heard. Kongpob was mad at Khaofang and really really want to tear her up into a million pieces. How does she dare to hurt his P'Arthit and daughter? Did she want to die, didn't she? If something really happened to them, Kongpob will make her pay with her life.

When he arrived at the hospital, he ran to the floor where Arthit was treat.

" Jay, Where is P'Arthit and Minnie?"

Kongpob's looked pale as he grabbed into Jay's clothes tightly.

" Khun Arthit and little miss is alright! Now they are in the room. This way Boss.

Jay told Kongpob as his hand made the gesture for Kongpob to go inside.

Kongpob walked into the room and saw Arthit sleeping in the room while Minnie sitting on the bed beside her mommy and grabbed Arthit's hand without crying. Doctor Beam was accompanying them. He helped comforting Minnie's feeling but it seemed like useless to her.

Kongpob hurriedly walked toward the bed and stood beside them. Doctor Beam stood up when he saw Kongpob.

" Minnie!"

Kongpob touched Minnie's shoulder making her turned her head to look at someone who touched her. When she saw her daddy making her began to sob.

" Daddy!! Hik Hik mommy..."

Kongpob held his daughter up and embraced her. He patted her back slowly.

" It's okay baby, don't scare! Daddy is here, no one can hurt Minnie and mommy."

" Daddy! H-i-k Minnie scare! They hit mommy. Minnie pity mommy hik hik... why did they hit mommy?"

" They can't hurt mommy anymore, believe daddy. Good girl, don't scare."

" Daddy!..."

" Don't be afraid baby. Daddy is her with Minnie and mommy. Daddy will protect both of you."

" Uncle Beam told Minnie that mommy is okay.. but why mommy still doesn't awake."

" Mommy just fatigue. Minnie should let mommy rest. After that mommy will wake up."

" Daddy! Hik...hik."

" Daddy is sorry. Daddy should go with Minnie. Daddy is sorry. Don't scare baby. If mommy wake up and see Minnie cry like this, mommy will be sad too. Good girl, stop crying."

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