Part 24: Feeling of love

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Laying together on the bed, Arthit rested his head on Kongpob's chest while Kongpob's hand was stroking Arthit's hair gently. Now in the room has only both of them because their baby was slept with Kongpob's parent as they decided to stay here for a few days. Both of them couldn't sleep, their thought kept them awake.

Arthit was thinking about the wedding between him and Kongpob that Madame Suthilak had mentioned during the dinner time while Kongpob was thinking about taking Arthit and Minnie to meet Arthit's parents.

Kongpob had took a deep breath so many time before he decided to speak what he had thought.

" P'Arthit."


" I have important thing to talk with you."

" Hmm.. Talk now."

" P'Arthit....... Do you miss your parents or not?" Kongpob carefully asked Arthit.

Hearing this question, Arthit's heart trembling. He suddenly felt very sad and sadly until he was unable to hold back his tears. One of the most painful things in his life is missed his parents but he couldn't meet them. Every time he thought about them, there are a silent ache in his heart which is definitely unbearable. So many time that he wanted to go home but he didn't dare to go back as he was ashamed of himself because he broke the promise between him and his father but he never ever regretted even once when he had broke that promise but however he didn't have face to meet them because he was afraid if he came back home he would make his parents more and more hopeless in him.

Kongpob clearly knew what Arthit was thinking. He gently held Arthit's face to face him. The worrying had appeared on his face as he was afraid that he would cause hurting to his beloved darling.

Arthit looked up at Kongpob's face with his wet eyes, he resisted the urge to cry.

Kongpob gently caressed Arthit's cheek and said in the regrettable feeling, " Do you miss them?"

Arthit's tears finally flowed out from his eyes and then he nodded his head several time.

" I have missed them so much."

Covering Arthit's face with his rough hand, Kongpob wipped Arthit's tears with his thumb.

" If you miss them then let's go to meet them together."

Arthit shook his head and then bowed his head down avoiding from Kongpob's gaze.

" Why?" Kongpob still asked even he himself knew the answer already.

" I have no face to meet them." Arthit said in the shaking tone as he was sobbing even more.

Kongpob had understood, " Because of me right?"

Even Kongpob also want to cry when he can feel the painful feeling of Arthit.

Arthit shook his head again and said with his sadly voice: " No... it's not because of you Kong."

" Then why?"

" I don't dare to meet them because I broke the promise with my dad.... hik hik... I had promised him that I will not make a mistake before I marry you but I... I can not keep the promise... hik.. hik."

" I'm sorry P'Arthit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Kongpob's eyes become wet, the tears started to fall. He pulled Arthit toward him and hugged Arthit so tightly.

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