Part 17: Go to meet grandparent.

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Today at the Suthilak family has a party. A black car parked near the main entrance. The door opened and two people coming out of the car.

Kongpob in the white suit carried little angel who wore the white dress walking to the house garden where the party was. As both of them made their appearance, they attracted people's attention especially the little angel that Kongpob was carried. She looked so beautiful and lovely. Everyone in the party can not let their eyes off from her.

The servant started to greet them as they saw their young master with a beautiful young lady.

" Good evening young master!"

Kongpob just nodded his head and smiled to them like his old habit.

The servant looked at the beautiful girl that their young master brought together. They was sure that she must be his daughter. Even they want to know but they didn't dare to ask.

" Where is dad and mom?"

Kongpob asked one of his servants.

" Big master and madame is in the party."

" Thank you."

Kongpob turned to find his parent and when they saw them, he hurriedly put Minnie down. Minnie was wonder and she asked.

" Daddy, where are we going?"

" We are going to meet Minne's grandparents."

Kongpob told and bowed to kiss her chubby cheek. He really adored her beauty so much. P'Arthit was really good to make up for their daughter. Even he is a man but he still can dressed their daughter up and even better than some women.

Just thought about Arthit made Kongpob missed him already. Actually he want to bring Arthit to join the party with them but because Arthit just got better so Kongpob want to let him rest well.

Talk about Minnie, Kongpob has asked the permission from his P'Arthit from the morning to the evening until Arthit agreed even he didn't like but he couldn't reject that Minnie was also their granddaughter. She should meet her relative and Arthit wished Kongpob's family would love her too.

Kongpob was happy after he was succeed to bring his baby together with him and Arthit also helped dressing their daughter to look like princess.

" Grandparent?" Minnie was in confusion because she never know that she has grandparents.

" Yes baby. Minnie's grandparents is daddy's parents. Understand or not?"

Minnie nodded her head to respond even she didn't understand clearly.

" Is grandparents kindly?"

" Yes baby. They will love Minnie like daddy love you, baby! Take this gift and give it to grandpa who is wearing black suit and standing beside grandma."

Kong told and point his finger to the direction where his parents was. Minnie looked toward there and nodded her head.

" If they ask Minnie. Minnie just say happy birthday to grandpa and walk back to daddy here, Okay?"

" Yes daddy!"

Kongpob wasn't sure if his parents would accept his daughter immediately or not. Even he still couldn't forgive his mommy's fault yet but she is still his mommy. As she just told him yesterday that she will stop forcing him to do what he didn't like anymore, he felt relief and this time he also want to forgive her too. Near 4 years ago, his mom kept begging for his forgiveness. He hoped this time they can screw up their distance and get blessing from them for his relationship with Arthit.

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