Part 6: I miss your cooking

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Tok Tok....

" Come in."

Kongpob replied when he heard a sound of knocking door. Jay opened the door and walking into the room.

" Khun Arthit and Young miss already got up and now they are in kitchen."

Kongpob nodded his head, hurriedly walk out from the room and head to kitchen where Arthit and Minnie was in.

" What are you doing P'Arthit?"

He asked as he saw Arthit's cooking something. The owner name was awakening for a moment and turned his head to look at Kongpob before he replied him with his nervousness while Minnie was sitting on the dining table, sucking her thumb and watching her parents.

" Minnie is hungry so I cook kimchi fried rice for her. She want to eat it."

" You should get some rest, leaving it to the chef."

" It's okay, I want to cook by myself. Minnie only eat my cooking."

" But Your face look so pale."

Kongpob said in worries, he came to near Arthit and tries to take Arthit out from the kitchen but Arthit does not listen to him.

" Let me cook, Kongpob!"

Arthit told and pulled his hand from Kongpob's grabbing. At the least, Kongpob didn't know how to stop him so he carried Minnie and watching Arthit silently. Arthit felt uneasy when Kongpob kept staring at him. He sighed and asked him.

" Do you want to eat?"

" Can I?" Kongpob immediately asked

" Yes, I will cook more for you."

" Yes... yes I want."

Kongpob looked at Arthit with a sweet smile and continued speaking.

" I miss your cooking, P'Arthit."


At the night...While everyone was sleeping soundly in their dream world, Kongpob can't sleep. He sat on the bed and moving closely to Arthit who slept near him and Minnie. Arthit was in a deep sleep because of the drug he took after the dinner.

Kongpob's slowly stroking Arthit's cheek. He pull Arthit's pajamas up and looks at the scar on Arthit's back. His eyes kept staring at the scar and his hand was stroking it gently, feeling an earthquake in his heart. He felt as if something was breaking his heart into a million pieces and extremely painful.

Kongpob kept checking Arthit body for a while until his eyes caught at another scar on Arthit's wrist. He want to stop his breathing when he looked at that scar. It look like the sharp thing cutting on.

" P'Arthit... Did you ever try suicide?"

Kongpob murmured to himself with his disbelief. If Arthit had ever tried to kill himself, if he had died that time, if Kongpob never meet him again. How would he continue to live?

" It's all my fault... I made you suffer..."

Kongpob couldn't bring himself to look at Arthit's body anymore. He pulled the blanket covering both of them and lying down near Minnie. He sighed with his tireless.

If he didn't break up with Arthit maybe everything will not turn out like this. He remembered that day clearly, His wedding day with Apple. He went to Arthit's apartment after he decided to runaway from his wedding. He knocked on the door so long but no one opened. Kongpob used the keycard that Arthit gave him to lock the door. He walked to the room slowly but he didn't see him there. He started to panic after he opened the cloth cabinet and didn't see any arthit's clothes in there.

" P' Arthit where are you now?"

Kongpob tried calling Arthit's number but it can't connecting, then he tried calling all his senior but no one know where Arthit was. Kongpob hurriedly walk out from the bedroom but his eyes caught at the paper on the floor. Kongpob picked it up and reading. It was a health check up result. He was shocked while reading it, How could this possible?

P'Arthit was pregnant and the age of fetus almost 10 weeks.

Am I going to be a father?

Why did he not tell me?

Where is he now?

Kongpob arrived at Arthit's parents after he tried to find him everywhere. This place was his last hope.

He knocked the door with his heavy heart.

( I hope you're here...)

Shortly afterward. The middle- age- women opened the door with her smiling as soon as she saw the person in front of her.

" Sawandee khrap Mom!" Kongpob greeted Arthit's mother

" Sawandee Son, why are you here? Where is Oon?"

She asked her son boyfriend. She then look around. Why does he come here alone?

" Mom, I come here to find P'Arthit."

" What? Oon isn't here."

" P'Arthit disappeared. I went to find him at his office but his colleagues told me that he had already resigned."

" What's happened son? Oon doesn't tell mom anything."

" It's all my fault..."

" Mom doesn't understand. Explain to me."

" Kong is sorry. It's Kong's fault...I broke up with him and now he's 10 weeks pregnant. ..."


Now Kongpob is kneeling down and bowing his head in Arthit's parents house. His face covered with some bruises and swelling. Kongpob was beaten by Mr. Rojnapat as soon as he knew about his son's story from Kongpob's mouth. Arthit's mom is crying on the sofa near her husband. Mr. Rojnapat comforted his wife and tried to calm himself down. He sighs and turn his face to look at the boy who is kneeling down on the floor in front of him.

" Kong, Do you ever know how much my son love you? He used to kneel here begging me to let both of you dating. I will never forgive you in this lifetime if you cannot find him and bring him to meet me here."

" Kong promise both of you. Kong will find him, no matter what happened Kong will find P'Arthit."

Kongpob sighed again for a moment when he thought about his past. He looks at Arthit's beautiful face and place a kiss on that chubby cheek. It's really soft like before.

" I hope you sleep well my Ai Oon."

In the next morning.

Arthit wake up late in the morning, his eyes was blinking to open and found only himself in the room. He hurriedly got up to shower and went to downstairs to find his baby and Kongpob.

When he went down, he heard his baby's laughter from the living room. Arthit quickly walk toward the living room but his steps was stopped immediately as soon as he saw his baby is sitting on a beautiful girl's lap while she and Kongpob are busy chatting.

Arthit looked at the scenario in front of him. It such as a happy family have daddy mommy and daughter. He tried to hold back his tears and walked out from there. He didn't know why Kongpob finding him if he was the first one who want to end their relationship. Kongpob maybe want only his daughter but he doesn't want him.

Arthit walked to kitchen because he didn't know where he can go. He reminded what's happened yesterday, Kongpob carried Minnie and watching him cooking but today he let another woman carried their daughter and chatting happily. Just thinking can make his heart ache. Kongpob maybe introduce that women to Minnie as her new mother and him. He maybe was abandoned like before.


To be continued

Enjoy to read

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