Part 19: Sweetheart of everyone

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Madame Suthilak looked at Minnie's face while her heart was full by the guilty. She touched the scar on Minnie's back and stroking it softly.

" Minnie must be hurt so much right?"

She asked and tried to calm her voice from shaking. It was unable to believe that something was bad like this happened in little girl. It was very sad and pitiable.

It was lucky that Minnie was saved and can growth to be cutie girl.

Her granddaughter was safe.

It was because Arthit saved her life.

Madame Suthilak owed both Arthit and Minnie too much, far too much. She was afraid that even if she did everything, she would not be able to repay them.

One mistake led to the other. Because of her stubbornness and bigotry, she had almost lost the chance to see her granddaughter. In the end, had let two innocent person suffer all the consequences.

If she could, she would much rather that it was her suffering all of this, but now nothing she said could reverse this situation.

" Minnie is not hurt anymore but mommy is not strong. Uncle Beam told that because mommy gave one kidney to Minnie and mommy didn't rest well so Mommy always sick. Minnie pity mommy so much."

Minnie spoke in a soft and gently way every time she talked about her mommy. If Arthit was here with her and daddy it would be good. She want to be with them every time and everywhere.

" Grandma! Minnie can have this cake for mommy? Mommy like to eat it but because Minnie can't eat so mommy never eat too. Now mommy is sick so Minnie want to give it mommy."

The tear that was almost dry was flowing back again after she heard her granddaughter thoughtful word. She hugged Minnie so tightly again.

" Minnie can take everything Minnie want, Grandma allow!"

Everyone was in there also tried to wipe the tears from their face. They didn't know what happened between Minnie's mommy and Madame Suthilak but they believed in their heart that young girl's mom must be a very kindly person because she can raised little girl well.

Both Kongpob and Mr Suthilak went inside after they finished their talking. Mr Suthilak's feeling was not better too as he knew everything of Arthit and Minnie hard time from his son but after he saw his wife was sobbing while hugging granddaughter, he felt worst even more. His wife maybe already knew everything from Minnie too. He walked toward her and put his hand on her shoulder patting it lightly. Madame Suthilak looked up and saw her husband, his word flashed back to her mind.

( How much do you want to hurt our son? Did he not hurt enough? You will lose him if you're still continue to care about your face but don't care about our son's heart.)

He was right! Every word of him was right! Now she didn't dare even to look at Kongpob who standing behind his father.

Kongpob felt like his mother was trying to avoid looking at him. She maybe ashamed of what she had done even he still blamed her but however he felt happy that finally she can knew her fault.

He looked at the watch and seemed like he would leave soon because Arthit asked him to come back before Minnie's sleeping time.
He walked toward his parent and his daughter. When Minnie saw his daddy came back, she brightly smiled and extended both her hand as well to ask Kongpob picked her up.

" Daddy!"

Kongpob picked her up and kissed her cheeks.

" Minnie, we would go back now baby, mommy is waiting us. Say goodbye to grandpa and grandma."

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