Part 9: He come to bring them home

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3 day later.....

In Seoul, South Korea

The apartment that Arthit used to live when he was in Korea, still didn't have a new renter so he decided to rent this apartment because this place is near Minnie's kid garden and Arthit's old workplace. He called his old manager asking him if the company has a place for him or not. It's luckily enough for Arthit because his manager accepted him to work there again.

Today is the 3rd day that Arthit and Minnie came back to Korea again after they escaped from Kongpob. Arthit decided to send Minnie's to school as soon as possible because she could speak a little bit of Korean even she was born in there but Arthit and Doctor Beam spoke only thai language with her. Moreover, Minnie stayed at the hospital more than home since she turned to 2 years old. When doctor beam found her had kidney failure, she has live in the hospital since then because she needs to do dialysis every week. That time is a tough time for both of them. Arthit cannot do anything to help his beloved daughter. He can only cry and begging god to have mercy on them. Every time Minnie has dialysis, she began to cry out to her mom for help but Arthit can only watch her crying and keep blaming himself that is all his fault. Fortunately his Kidney matches with his daughter so he could help her and she will not suffer from her disease anymore. If he doesn't have doctor Beam that time, Arthit couldn't know how he can handle it? Arthit feels thankful for Doctor Beam, he is not only a doctor but he is more than the family to Arthit.
Thinking about doctor Beam, Arthit forgot to tell him that he already came back to Korea. He sighed and hesitated to call him. Arthit didn't know how to explain it to him because he himself wasn't sure of what happened with him and Minnie too. Finally, he decided not to call him. He just only need some time for himself to start a new life again. When he can handle everything like before, he will call him and tell him everything.

Now Minnie is learning to write the Korean alphabet in the bedroom while Arthit is busy cooking at the kitchen. After he was done, he walked toward the bedroom to call Minnie to eat dinner but he didn't see her in there.

" Minnie...Minnie... where are you, baby? Let's have dinner!"

Arthit look around the bedroom and he still doesn't see her. Suddenly, he heard Minnie screams from the living room with the door bell ring. He hurriedly walked out from the bedroom and head to the living room.

" Minnie... What's wrong with you, baby?"

" Mommy Mommy, Daddy come here."

The scream with excitement from Minnie's mouth made his eyes widened. He just left from Thailand only 3 days, how did he find him?

Kongpob is standing in front of the door now with Minnie in to his hand. He stares at Arthit with a pair of cold eyes. Seeing him, Arthit's first reaction was to take Minnie back and pushed Kongpob from the door to outside. Moving quickly back inside and close the door. Kongpob acted faster than him, his hand held the door not letting Arthit close it.

Arthit pushed it twice with Minnie in his hand so he hardly uses all his strength and the door would not budge. His body was trembling with fear.

" Put on your shoes and leave with me, P'Arthit."

Kongpob said coldly, displeased by Arthit's curled toes on the cold floor. Arthit gave him a push but his hand was caught by him. Holding Arthit's hand, Kongpob wanted to barge in. Arthit panicked and exclaimed, " Anybody here, help me please!"

Minnie get confused of what happened to her parents. She stay calm in her mommy's hand, watching them silently.

Kongpob simply wrapped his arm around Arthit's waist and his other hand took Minnie from Arthit. Arthit is afraid that Minnie will fall so he let Kongpob carry Minnie easily. Kongpob hugs Minnie and kiss her forehead.

" Minnie... go with uncle jay for a while. Daddy have something to talk with mommy. Okay baby?"

" Kongpob, You can't take her." Arthit shouts with his fear but his body was trembling until he cannot walk.

" Yes, Okay daddy." Said Minnie with a kiss on Kongpob's cheek. She really miss her daddy so much. She want to stay with him any longer than this but she still obey his word.

" My smarty baby!"

Kongpob kissed her cheek again before he leave her to Jay. Then Jay with two bodyguard walked away from Arthit apartment. Kongpob walked inside the Apartment and lifted Arthit up, closed the door. Disregarding Arthit's scream, break in successful. Arthit felt ashamed about being so weak. Seeing Kongpob smiling, Arthit mad at him even more.

Kongpob threw him on the bed and put his feet on his hand, looking at him, he said: " P' Arthit, I came here to take you home with me."

" I don't go. I already broke up with you. We are the stranger now."

" I know you hate me but I love you so much. I tried to find you all this year even I never get any news from you and our baby but I never give up. P' Arthit, I'm sorry please give me a second chance."

" I don't have any chance for you Kongpob. Stop fooling me again and again. Your love hurt me so much. I dare not to risk again."

" P'Arthit, let me explain everything to you."

Arthit wanted to take his feet back but Kongpob tightened his grip on them.

" I don't want to listen to your word anymore. Stop annoying me. Let go of my feet!" Arthit sound mad.

" Don't move." Kongpob commanded.

Kongpob's hand quickly warmed up around Arthit's feet. Looking away, Arthit tried to pull his feet back. Kongpob pursed his lip, his hand rubbing Arthit feet.

" P' Arthit, Actually..."

Ring Ring~~~

Kongpob want to say something but he get interrupted by The door bell sound again. Arthit yanks his feet back, hurriedly stand up and walk out from the bed room.

Kongpob want to follow him but he phone suddenly ring. Her sister call him, he doesn't want to pick up phone but his sister kept calling him since he was in the plane. Finally he decided to answer the phone ringing.

" Sawandee khrap! P' Mu. What's up?"

" Kong, why didn't you pick up mom' phone?"

" I don't have anything to talk with her."

" Kong don't do like this, even you mad at her but she is still our mom."

" P, if you don't have anything to talk with me beside this matter I will take off."

" Hold on Kong, Where are you now?"

" I'm in Korea."

" What? Why do you come here?"

" I come here to take them home!"

" Really? Did you see them already?"

" Yes P. I will tell you when I come back."

" Ok Nong! Good luck!"

" Thank you P."

After Kongpob talked with his older sister, he walked toward the living room to find where Arthit is, but he stop his stepping immediately because of what he saw in front of his eyes now.

Arthit is hugging with a man and that man is stroking Arthit's hair slowly. They look like a couple who love each other so much.

Kongpob's heart stop beating, he feel so sullen that he wants to burst into tears. It hurts so much. Did he already have someone else?


To be continued

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