Part 25: Meeting his parents again

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3 days later~~~~~

The car parked a little bit long but Arhit still didn't dare to get off from there. His hand was sweating and he was very nervous thinking about what he should speak to his parent and what is their reaction when they meet him. He sighed so many time.

Kongpob who sat on the driver seat, waiting patiently for Arthit to ready facing his parents, he held Arthit's cold hand and caressed Arthit's back hand by his finger, in the way to help comforting Arthit.

He looked at Arthit understanding, saying: "Are you ready, P?"

Arthit looked at Kongpob's face, showing his fear and worrying through his eyes to Kongpob.

Kongpob clearly know what the meaning of those eyes, he took Arthit's hand and pressed it to the left side of his chest. He then said in the softly and sincerely tone, " Believe me, I'm always here with you."

Hearing those word, Arthit felt touching in his heart.

Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand and telling you to believe him with all his heart and soul.

Arthit looked at Kongpob, then he looked at the house through the car's mirror. His house, the place where he lived since he was born, the place that he had missed the most and also the place that he thought he would never come back again but now it was in front of him.

Arthit finally could calm himself from nervousness, he took a deep breath and jerked his head in a nod.

" I'm ready, Kong."

After a while, Minnie who sleeping in the car seat for kid, woke up from her nap. She called her mommy with her small voice: "Mommy!!"

Both Arthit and Kongpob turned to look at the backseat, seeing his baby just woke up, Kongpob hurriedly got off from the car and opened the backseat door. He took Minnie off and then kissed her cheek over and over, making Minnie laugh happily. Minnie wrapped her small hand around Kongpob's neck and kissed her dad's cheek back.

" Daddy... where are we at?" She asked with still sleepy voice.

" We are at Minnie's grandparents's house."

" Does grandpa and grandma have two house?" Minnie asked Kongpob with her wonder face.

" No baby, This house is the house of Minnie's another grandparents!"

" Does Minnie have another grandparents?"

" Yes baby... they're mommy's parents, understand baby?" Kongpob explained to his daughter slowly and clearly.

Minnie though for a moment then she nodded her head with her pouting lips, looking so adorable.

Kongpob couldn't help but kissing her cheek again and pinched her nose gently.

" let's go to meet them with daddy and mommy and don't forget to greet them, Okay?"

" Yes daddy."

Kongpob with Minnie in his hand, walked to other side of the car and opened the passenger door.

" Let's go P'Arthit."

Arthit slowly unbuckle the seat belt and get out. Looking at the house that not far away from him and ready to walk in.

Kongpob held Arthit's hand and interlocked their finger, leading a light-footed, they walked to the front of an aged courtyard. Kongpob knocked a copper pull ring on the wooden door while carrying Minnie and Arthit standing behind his back.

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