Part 7: I want to hug my baby

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Arthit tries to stop himself from overthinking. He should find something to do to killing time. Arthit want to cook Minnie's favorite dish and he hope he will get her attention. Arthit is really afraid that Minnie will love Kongpob more than him and she will leave him to live with Kongpob.

While he was busy with his cooking, he felt the small hand is wrapping around his leg. He stopped his action and turned down his head to look at his baby. Minnie smiled up at him with her puppy eyes. Arthit smiled, stroking her hair with his hand.

" What's up baby? Are you hungry?"

" Yes mommy." Minnie told her mommy with her brightly voice, Daddy told her that mommy was at the kitchen so she ran to here to find her beloved mommy.

" Mommy's cooking what?"

" Pad Krapow Mao Saap and chicken soup."

" Wow!! Minnie's favorited dishes."

Minnie was happy when she knew what Arthit cook for her.

" Want to eat now?"

" Eat... but mommy eat with Minnie or not?"

" mommy eat."

" What about daddy? Daddy will eat with us or not?"

" Yes baby."

Minnie is very happy just she knew she can eat lunch together with her mommy and daddy. She jumped up and down with her hand still holding Arthit leg.

" Minnie don't huge mommy like this. Be careful baby, Minnie and mommy will fall."

Kongpob's voices was heard behind their back, making both mommy- daughter turned their face to look at him. Arthit had a sad look on his face. Just only seeing Kongpob's face make him felt upset even more. What Kongpob had done to him in the past it was like a sharp knife stabbed in to his heart and he was bleeding to dead.

And now Kongpob take another women to his house and let her carry his baby. It show him clearly that Kongpob and her maybe is a couple or fiancé. At the least, Kongpob will take Minnie away from him and leaving him alone.

Kongpob looks at Arthit's upset face. He knew what Arthit was thinking but he doesn't know how to explain everything to him? Arthit had been suffering because of him. He really doesn't want to listen his explanation. If he had been honest with him at the first Arthit would had understand him. He had been a fool to think if he asked Arthit to break up with that reason, Arthit will hate him and easy to forget him better than hurting because of his family didn't allow them dating and his mom tried to force him marry Apple. What a fool he had been?

" Mommy is holding the frying pans If It fall on Minnie, Minnie will hurt." Kongpob try to explain to his baby because he is worried about everything related to her no matter that's small or big thing.

" Sorry daddy." Minnie stop jumping and hugging Arthit. She walk toward her dad and let Kongpob carry her.

" Daddy doesn't mad at Minnie, Daddy just worry Minnie.."

Kongpob told with his softly voice while carrying her in his arms. He then whispered something in Minnie's ear and making her laughs happily. Arthit tries to not interest on what they are talking and focus on his cooking.

The dining table was full of Minnie's favorite dish and actually it was also Kongpob favorite dish too. Kongpob was surprised that him and his baby have the same favorite. Minnie want to taste her favorite food but her mommy stopped her.

" It's still hot. Don't eat now, just waiting a little bit."

" It's hot? ."

Minnie asked and putting her hand on her mouth and shake her head with her cutie behavior.

" Yes baby. Minnie's hand will get blister like before if Minnie touch it when it's still hot."

Kongpob hurriedly turn his head to look at Arthit when he heard what Arthit was saying.

" Minnie's hand was blisters! Why? What's happened?"

" When I lived in Korea. The weather is very cold so I made hot chocolate for her and she got burnt on her right hand.

" It must be hurt right baby?"

Kongpob take Minnie right hand out and looking at it. Her hand is very small, it should hurt very much.

" It doesn't hurt anymore daddy because mommy helped to blow Minnie's hand."

" Next time be careful baby."

" Yes."

Arthit is watching Minnie and Kongpob and keep his silence. Minnie's just living with Kongpob only a few day ago but she is really happy and comfortable with him. If like before Arthit would be happy because it's something he always dream but now why he feels so sad like this.


At the nights....

Minnie rolled over on her princess bed, she is feeling fresh. Arthit walk out from the bathroom after having bath. He lay down on the bed near Minnie.

" It's time to sleep baby."

" Minnie want to listen princess snow while story."

" Ok.."

Minnie close her eyes and pulls Arthit's hand toward her, comforted in the knowledge that he right beside her. Arthit told her a bedtime story and rubbed her back until she fell asleep.

Kongpob walk to Minnie's room after he finished his work. He claim on bed and want to lay down but Arthit stopped him.

" Wait... Why are you here?" Arthit asked

" I'm in here to sleep with P'Arthit and Minnie."

" Don't you have room? Go to sleep in your own room."

" No, let me sleep here."

" Kongpob, Don't sleep beside her. You move around a lot when sleeping."

Arthit whispered to Kongpob because he is afraid that he will disturb Minnie's sleeping.

" You still remember P"

Kongpob said to him with his excited face making Arthit's face blush. He doesn't want to remember his past with him but his crazy heart didn't listen to his order and still echoes him of those sweet moment.

" Understand P." Kongpob told while climbing down from the bed and walking to another side of the bed where Arthit was laying, He then put his body beside Arthit and hugged him. Arthit was surprised with his heart beat increased.

" Kongpob, take off your hand."

Arthit told and tried to release from Kongpob's embracing. Kongpob kept his embrace and his hand also embrace Minnie.

" Let me sleep here please. I want to huge my baby."

" Then hug her not me."

" But when I sleep I always move around I'm afraid that I will hurt her so let sleep like this, it's safe for Minnie and I also can hug her."

" No..."

" P'Arthit...please."

" Kongpob take off your hand now."

Kongpob didn't listen at all and kept hugging both of mommy- daughter. Arthit tries to push Kongpob away from him until he was tired. Slowly he stopped moving and let Kongpob embrace him to sleep.

Kongpob heard rhythmic breathing from Arthit and knew Arthit was already sleeping. He stroked Arthit's hair and kissed it then follow both of his beloved person to sleep too.


To be continued

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