Party at the neighbors house part 2 Reagans pov.

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I kept yelling "Lilly loves Calum" at the top of my lungs over and over again as calum was walking to the moving trucks. Lilly's cheeks were turning a bright red and then she took off with my bags and ran inside the house.

As I was about to go back inside I hear someone calling my name, turning around I see Calum waving his arms and trying to get my attention "REAGAN, REAGAN IS YOUR NAME RIGHT?" he yelled as he started running up to me "yeah that should be me" I replied waiting for him to reach me. "So you and Lilly are going to the party right?"he asked as he approached me "what party?" I ask eagerly. i guess it's a good day to celebrate right?

"Lilly didn't tell you yet?" he asked bringing me out of my thoughts "no not yet" "Oh well do you know if Lilly is coming? I was hoping to see her tonight so would you ask her to come with you, I mean if you want to go" he said rushing his words turning slightly red at the confession he just made. "Sure I'll tell Lilly to come" I replied smiling politely "ok thanks I'll see you and Lilly later" "see ya".

Hmm I wonder why Lilly didn't tell me about the party. Maybe she's just nervous to be around Calum. Calum likes her anyways so I'll just persuade her to come. Wait that's how I can get her to go! Running into the house laughing at my awesome plan I run into Lilly's room with a massive smirk.

'What happened?' she asked obviously curious at why I'm smirking like a maniac "Oh didn't you hear?" I said sarcastically "Calum just told me that he was having a party and he wanted us to come." 'He's just doing this to be nice Rey.' Lilly replied while putting the 'nothing personal' All Time Low album on. "No he specifically asked if you'd be there Lilly." I said with a huge grin 'Does that mean we are going?' she asks nervously, "Heck yea we are stupid! I'm picking out your clothes!" I yelled.

Running up to her closet I start digging around looking for perfect outfits. Hmm nothing to snazzy I wanna go for a more punk rock style. Oooh and for Lilly too, but something red to match her hair. No more than a few minutes later I found the perfect outfits, throwing a red All Time Low tank top, black skinny jeans, and black pumps to make her look a little taller down at her feet she grabs her clothes and takes off to the bathroom to get ready.

Grabbing my dark blue flannel, black ripped skinny jeans, and black converse I started changing and straightening my hair. After getting ready I sit on the edge of her bed and wait for her.

After about 30 minutes of waiting I begin to grow impatient. She needs to hurry up we might be late. "Lillian hurry up!" I yell from the bedroom. After I hear a door sling open I hear Lilly tell back 'I'm ready Rey'. Stuffing my phone in my pocket I run outside and wait for Lilly to get outside. Walking up next to me we start walking together to Calums house. Haha Lilly is actually my hight for once!! Walking into the house the smell of alcohol meets me all my favorite songs start filling my ears. The first thing I see is all the people dancing so I drag Lilly to the dance floor. After dancing to a few song I got lost in the crowd. I start trying to peer all over the other people to find Lilly. With no success I push my way through the crowd and stumble into the kitchen. There was a couple making out pushed up against the cabinets and several other people pouring drinks. Eh it's not as crowded in here I guess I'll stay in here. Walking up to the table I sit down in one of the chairs and pull out my phone and start typing away.

"Reagan?" A familiar voice calls out. Looking around to find the source I see my old friend standing in the door way. Luke Hemmings. We had been friends for ever. Me, luke, and Lilly were like the three musketeers. We were always together until I moved and then we lost touch. Now here he is only a few feet away from me, and WOW has he changed a lot! His once straight hair is now pushed up into a sexy style. He now has a lip ring. He has on a pair of black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a black shirt with black converse. I bet I've already caught a few flies because I had my mouth gaping open. Tearing my eyes off of his body I pulling myself back into reality and bring my eyes up to his light blue eyes "Luke?" I question. Smiling he comes up and stands in front of me " I've missed you so much" he says quietly. Standing up beaming I throw my arms around him and pull him into a huge hug "I've missed you too" I say into his chest. I've just been reunited with another one of my best friends and no one can ruin this moment! 'Luke!' I hear someone say. Well never mind I guess someone can ruin this moment. Slowly pulling away luke looks down at me and then back behind him to find the source "What Ashton?" Luke says slightly annoyed as a boy with a head full of sandy blonde curls runs up to us "Who's this pretty lady you got with you?" he says eyeing me up and down. Is he talking about me. I mean I am the only girl standing here with them. God I'm a dumb ass. "I'm Reagan" I smile reaching out to shake his hand "Well hello there Reagan I'm Ashton" he smiles showing two deep dimples "Nice to meet ya" I say releasing his hand. "So Luke what kind of drinks are here?" I ask eager to have a little fun "Reagan I don't think you should drink tonight. Considering how you used to... " he says with a concerned face "Come on I'm at a party I want to have fun while I'm here" I say unacknowlodcging my problem I had in the past. "But-" Luke begins to say in protest. 'Follow me Reagan I can get you a drink' Ashton says cutting off Luke. "ok" I say grabbing Luke's hand and dragging him behind me to the counter where Ashton went. Grabbing a red solo cup he starts pouring a clear substance in the cup mixing it with a little cranberry juice.

Handing it to me I start downing the cup. Emptying the cup in less than thirty seconds I look up to see an amazed Ashton. Instead of filling the cup again I take the bottle "thanks Ashton for the drink" I say as I turn away from him and back towards Luke. "Just take it easy" Luke says 'don't worry I have it under control' I reply.

In less than an hour I've downed 3/4 of the bottle, my words became slurred, and my vision started getting blurry. Walking back to the kitchen I set the bottle on the counter and prop myself up beside it.Luke comes up and sits next to me "you didn't listen did you?" he says looking down into my bloodshot eyes "nooooope" I slur sliding off the counter I grab the bottle and go to walk back to the crowded living room but I lose my footing and stumble backward. Just before I touch the floor a pair of hands grab my waist and bring me back up to a steady position. "Maybe you had enough to drink" Luke says reaching down and taking the bottle from me " no I didnt!!" I reply trying to take the bottle back but he holds it out of my reach "You need to go to sleep Reagan" he says sternly, looking down at me. Maybe I should. My head is already hurting and I am a little tired. "Fine" I huff pushing his hands off of me so I could go home, but as I did I lost my balance and almost fell again only to be caught by Luke. Damn vodka really does mess with you. "Ill just take you home." Luke says picking me up. "ok" I reply holding on to Luke's neck.

In less than a few minutes luke was carrying me upstairs to my room that Lilly set up for me. Lilly's door was closed and I could hear her soft snores coming through from the other side so I'm guessing she's been home for a while. Once we entered my room he lays me on the bed and I burry myself under my covers. "Goodnight Reagan" he whispers, as he turned to leave I yelled out " wait can you stay with me tonight?".

I didn't feel like being alone tonight. "sure" he replies "thank you" I say quietly as I feel the bed dip down next to me "goodnight"he says softly "goodnight" i reply before I let sleep take over me.

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