I'm Not Going Anywhere

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Lillians POV

I spun on my heel and walked towards my house. I am so done with all of this! Luke tried to kill me and we have vampire mates! This is something out of a fanfiction I swear it is. But now they expect us to leave Australia, yeah No I'm not going anywhere those boys can be begging on their knees but I refuse to leave.

My phone began ringing over and over in my pocket, sure enough Calum and Michael were blowing up my phone. I am not talking to them.

It didn't stop ringing over and over for like thirty minutes when I eventually picked up my phone and said 'don't call me anymore' coldly while hanging up. That is when the spam of texts began.

Michael and Calum wouldn't stop texting me until I just left my phone alone and stopped checking it. I heard Reagan come inside, she must have been talking to Luke or Ashton.  'You okay?' Reagan said.

Honestly I wasn't okay but I don't want to be a bother so I said 'perfectly fine.' Reagan gave me a sympathetic look, I know she can tell I'm lying but she won't question it. 'Hey Rey what's today?' I asked. 'Sunday why?' Reagan said. My mind then remembered that tomorrow is Monday. 'Reagan tomorrow is the first day of school!' I yelled.

'Oh god' Reagan mumbled while dashing off to her room to get her things ready. I jumped out of my bed and packed up my purse, got my binder all organized, and then rummaged threw my closet to find clothes for tomorrow.

Finally I decided on wearing my little white dress with black skeletons on it with some pretty somewhat translucent black leggings and a pair of black ballet flats.

With all my belongings packed and ready for tomorrow I changed into a over sized T-shirt and took off my make-up then went to sleep.

*skips to morning*

When I woke up school instantly sparked my mind. I ran across the hall into Reagan's room and yelled 'Reagan get up it's the first day of school!' Reagan jumped out of bed and began to get ready, I myself ran back to my room and got dressed.

Then I went to the bathroom and did my usual makeup but with winged eyeliner and red lipstick. 

Over all I looked good, Calum and Michael then slipped into my mind and I remembered how angry I am at them.

'Lilly forget about them just enjoy today' Reagan said while grabbing her school bag. I grabbed my bag and then walked outside with Reagan. The boys were all standing outside in their sweatpants looking at us. 'Lilly!' I heard Calum call out but I just ignored him until Michael yelled out 'Lillian go change right now!' That pissed me off.

They may be my mates but I will not let them dictate what I wear. So calmly I told them they were number one with my hand, if you catch my drift. Luke didn't bother saying anything to Reagan but Ashton decided to test her by having his car drive literally one foot behind us while yelling 'Reagan please forgive me!' Over and over again.

Reagan turned around after Ashton said that five times and flicked him off with both hands. I didn't bother turning around to see their faces, because if I did I'd run back to them and kiss them I'm sorry.

Once Reagan and I arrived at school we had to leave each other for a period or two. I have some senior classes so I will see her soon but for now I have my two electives. Drama and Creative Writing. 

When I walked into my class I was greeted by the people who I've always had as friends but they were never as close to me as Reagan is.

School went by fast and soon enough it was time to go home.

I waited for Reagan outside of the gym and after five minutes of waiting I finally saw her. 'Rey!' I yelled, instantly she saw me and released a sigh of release. 'I couldn't find you' Reagan said which made me laugh. Reagan and I then told each other our days and soon enough we were on our street.

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