The petting zoo Reagans pov.

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"Give me details!" I say as I grab Lilly's arm and drag her to my room. Sitting down on the bed Lilly says "he made me get all dressed up to go to Pizza Hut" says Lilly laughing "and them we came back and made out" "Awwwwww" I say poking Lilly's cheeks "thats sooo sweet" "haha yeap I can't wait for you and Ashton's date" said Lilly smiling like a fool "Ashton didn't tell me he was taking me on a date" I say "oh oh um never mind the don't worry about it he will explain everything to you when he gets ready for the date" Lilly says with her smile growing bigger "ok" I say laughing "so wanna watch a movie?" I ask Lilly "YESSS scary movies!!!" Lilly yells as we run downstairs and grab the boys to watch the movie.

*skips to morning*

As I get out the bed I get up and go over to get dressed. As I walk out my room Ashton grabs my hand "Come on I'm taking you on a date" says Ash as he drags me out to his car. "You look beautiful today" Ash says when he hops into the drivers seat "You don't look so bad yourself" I say as I flash a smile. "So where are you taking me today?" I question "I don't know where do you want to go?" he asks as he pulls out of the driveway "How about a petting zoo?" "That would be great!" he answers as he starts driving.

Once we get to the petting zoo Ash grabs my hand and drags me to the llamas. Hmm seems like he likes llamas haha. As we walk into the pin I grab some grass hoping the llama will eat it and Ash grabs my hand and drags me to the first one he sees. Holding the grass up the llama looks at it and then grabs Ashton's fedora and runs away. I couldn't but watch as he runs around trying to get his fedora back. "Reagan come help me!" Ash yells in frustration "Ok ok" I say trying to hold back my laughter as I walk up to the llama and take the hat and give the llama the grass. Giving Ash the hat he turns back to the llama and sticks out his tounge and the got a face full of spit.

"Fuck this llama hates me!"Ash yells wiping spit off his face. Chuckling I grab his hand and drag him to the cleaning station. Grabbing a wad of paper towels, set down his fedora, then push back his hair and start wiping off his face. When I was done we washed our hands and then he grabbed my hand and said "come on I'm gonna take you back to the house so we can go to the beach"

As we get back to the house I throw on a bathing suit and run outside to Ash. Grabbing me he throws me over his shoulder and runs towards the water. Next thing I know I was under water "Damn you Ashton!" I say as I come back to the surface to see Ash laughing his ass off. "Sorry babe but I wanted to make you wet" he says laughing "Most stupid joke ever!" I yell. "payback time" I yell as I jump onto his back making him fall into the water. As he scrambles to get up it's my turn to laugh. Shaking his hair out he comes up to me with a smirk "So you wanna play?" he questions "You started it!" I reply trying to run away but then he trips me causing me to fall to the sand. Laying down on top of me pinning me down he crashes his lips onto mine. Grabbing my waist he presses harder onto me so there is no space between us. Our lips move in sync as he starts trailing little kisses down my neck "Ash it's getting late" I say making him stop "Oh ok we can go inside then" he replys getting up and dragging me inside. After showering I lay in bed and fall asleep as I feel Ash come in and throw his arm around me.

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