School shopping Reagans pov.

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What's so heavy? I thought right as I wake up. Looking down I see a muscular arm draped across my torso. WHAT THE HELL DID I DO LAST NIGHT?!?! I JUST GOT BACK TO AUSTRALIA AND IM ALREADY GETTING DRUNK AND HAVING SEX WITH STRANGERS?!? I need to find out who this arm belongs to. Slowly turning over so I don't wake the person sleeping with me I realize I'm in my room. Looking over to my side I see a blonde mess of hair. Oh god that's Luke. Did I have sex with my best friend in my room at Lilly's house?!? Oh god I'm surely gonna be I'm for it when Lilly finds out. I need to find out what happened last night.

Nudging Luke softly I receive a grunt in response. When he doesn't wake up I start shaking him like crazy. God this kid is hard to wake up. With one more idea I climb on top of him and start tickling his sides. With that his eyelids pop open showing his beautiful eyes "stop that!"he yells trying to push me off but I don't stop 'will you stay awake if I get off' I say while tickling his side "maybe" he replies attempting to make me stop tickling him 'ok I guess I will keep on-' "ok ok I give up will u please stop now?" 'yeap' I say smiling as I slide off of him knowing I got my way. Ok time to get serious "ok Luke so what exactly happened?" I ask 'what do you mean' "I mean what happened last night?' I say rushing my words smirking he said "we had sex and didn't use protection" Oh god I knew I shouldn't of went to the party 'I'm really in for it now Lilly is going to kill me! Wait what the hell-' "I'm just kidding you got drunk last night, I took you home, then u asked me to stay the night so I did' Oh what a relief "thank god" I say laying back down. Rolling to face me Luke just starts staring at me. "What?" I question 'Your so beautiful' He says tearing his eyes from mine and strolling them down to my lips. Right as he was about to lean in Lilly comes storming in the room

"What is going on in here?" she yelled at the both of us. 'It's not what it looks like Lilly I swear!' Luke yelled trying to calm her down. "Explanation right now" she said sternly. Wow she can be really scary when she's mad. 'Okay Lilly I got drunk and Luke took me home then stayed the night. That's all that happened I swear' I say. Relaxing she mumbles 'thank god' and then walked out of the quest room, then me and Luke got up and followed her. As we get into the kitchen Luke pulls out his phone and starts talking to someone "Do you mind if the lads join us?" He asked 'Sure just let us change first I say grabbing Lilly's hand and pulling her into her room and then leaving her to get ready I go to my bathroom and take a shower. After the shower I dry myself off and start rummaging through a bag in my room. 'AHA' I say as I pull out my favorite nirvana crop top and ripped black skinny jeans. After putting on the clothes I look in the mirror. I absolutely love this shirt because it shows off my belly button ring. Wait I forgot that Lilly and Luke didn't know I have a belly button ring they didn't even notice the small quote tattooed on my wrist. This is a great opportunity to show it off Haha. I was planning on getting a lip ring next but it seems like Luke already took that idea. Brushing out my hair and then straightening it I reach down and pull my black converse onto my feet.

As I walk down stairs and into the kitchen I walk up to Ashton and Luke "Hey" I say getting both of their attention. When they look over their eyes nearly pop out of their head. "Wow!" says Ashton "You look nice" 'Thank you Ash' I say smiling "How did you know that's my nickname?" Ashton says smiling showing off his dimples 'No one it just suited you' I say poking one of his dimples cheeks. "Oh Luke I have something to show you" I say smiling reaching down taking his hand and dragging him over to the table. When he sits down I sit on his lap. I used to do this all the time before I moved it just felt right to be close to him and wrapped in his arms. 'What did you want to show me?' Luke asked eager to find out. Turning over my arm I show him the quote on my wrist ~just because we can't be together doesn't mean I won't love you- Blair Waldorf~ looking from my wrist to my eyes I could see his eyes were full of emotion "That's what I told you before you left" he said tightening his arms around me "and now we are together I thought I would never see you again" he said. I move closer leaning my head on his shoulder"I'm here now and I won't leave you again" I say quietly. A giggle and the smell of pancakes brought me out of our moment I looked over to see Lilly cooking everyone pancakes with Calum by her side. Looking around some more I see Ashton staring intensely at us. Hmm I wonder what all that is about. As Lilly gets done cooking she lays heaping plates of pancakes in front of me and Luke. Not even bothering to get off of Luke's Lap I but the butter and syrup on my pancakes and then dig in. Lilly knows I love food especially pizza and pancakes. Luke starts chuckling as he watches me pig out "what" I manage to get out of my stuffed mouth 'I've never ever met anyone who loves to eat more than you other than Mikey" Luke says 'AWWW thank you Lukey Pookey' " You haven't called me that in years" he says astonished. "Well I am now haha now get to eating before your food gets cold" 'ok mom' Luke says Rolling his eyes with a small smile playing on his lips.

"I have missed your cooking Lilly" I say while stuffing my mouth some more. As we finished eating Lilly yelled "Rey we have to buy school supplies!" laughing at how worried she was I say "We can go today to get our supplies" then Mikey asked 'Mind if we tag along we don't have anything better to do today' "You guys can tag along but we are going to be trying on clothes and buying journals and such" I said "I am going to shower, boys you can leave whenever but I'm warning you now interrupt my shower and I will kill you" Lilly said as she walked up stairs. While Lilly was getting ready I walked over to Calums to with the boys so they could change. I didn't know that they all were living together it didn't surprise me because they r a band. When we got to Calums Mikey ran into his room got changed and then ran back to me and Lilly's house and not long after Calum took off too which left me with Ashton and Luke. Ashton came out of his room looking really nice he had on black skinny jeans and a black nirvana shirt with tears in it "Hey we match" I say giggling. 'haha yeap we do' Ashton said showing off his dimples once again "I love your dimples" I say to Ash leaning over poking his dimpled cheeks "I love you" he said so quietly but I don't think i heard him right so I just ignored it. Right as I stood up Luke came out his room with a plaid red button up shirt black skinny jeans and black converse.

Walking up to him I start unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his black shirt that he was wearing underneath "I like it better this way" I said as I finished grabbing his hand we walk to the door "come on Ash" I say as we walk out the door. In less than two seconds ash shows up at my side. Wow he's fast! As we walk into the house we sit down on the couch. A few minutes later Lilly walks downstairs and starts talking with Mikey. "Ready to go guys?" Ash said taking out his car keys. Standing up I pull Luke up. Pulling me in and taking my small hand in his large one we lock hands and walk side by side to Ashton's car. Calling shot gun I jump in the car next to Ash and the rest get in the back. When we got to the store me and Lilly took off and went shopping. In about two hours we were done with our school shopping. Coming up to me ash says "hey do you mind if I get some bananas?" 'Thats really random but sure why not' I reply walking over to the produce isle with everyone following. When ash grabbed his bananas Luke and Calum ran up and smashed bananas in ash and Mikey's hair "Guys that's disgusting!" Lilly yells running up to see if they are alright then she walked over to Mikey to help him. As I walked up to ash his face was slightly red from anger "Are you ok?" I ask as I start helping him scoop banana out of his hair "yea I'm fine now that your here" he said smiling making me blush a little. "Do you mind if I get a hug I need one right now" he asked. Sure why not I mean he just got bananas smushed on his head. Looking at him I then take him by surprise when I engulf him in a big hug. I guess he thought I wouldn't hug him. Looking back at Luke I see him flicking off ash and mouthing the words 'fuck you'. Releasing ash I say 'well at least you smell good' laughing he grabs his bananas and I walk over to Luke and grab his hand. "What's wrong?" I ask 'nothing' he simply says releasing my hand and placing it over my shoulder in a protective motion and then taking my hand in his other. "Ok guys let's go pay" I hear Calum say. Looking back I see Calum helping Lilly up. Aww they look so cute together. As we get done paying and walk back to the car we load the trunk and then I randomly yell out "To shopping we go!" receiving laughs from everyone instead of sitting in the front with ash I climb into the back with Luke. As I lean into him he places his arm around me and draws me in. Leaning in close he grabs my hand and whispers into my ear "I will love you forever and always" blushing I lean up and place a small kiss on his cheek and then whisper back"I love you."

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