Date Night

794 18 2

Lillian's POV

I went to my room and slept for a good eighteen hours until I was finally awoken by someone shaking me. 'Stooooppp' I groaned out while rolling over under the covers.  'Get up babe I'm taking you out tonight and you only have an hour and a half to get ready or else I will take you naked' Michael said. That instantly made me jump out of bed and run into the bathroom while yelling 'casual, dressy, or comfy??' Michael only laughed and said 'dressy babe.'

Quickly I got in the shower, washed my hair, shaved,etc then got out wrapped a towel around my waist and went to much room to find something to wear. 'Reagan! Get in here!' I yelled because I need her advice and expert clothing skills right now. Reagan ran into my room and instantly went straight to the closet searching for the perfect outfit.

Eventually she pulled out a knee length, dark red , satin dress that was completely gorgeous and I didn't even know I owned that. 'Put this on and go do your thing' Reagan said, well commanded me.

I grabbed a robe, wrapped it around me then got to work. Blow drying my hair, then curl wanding it, and finally finishing it off with hair spray completed by hair. Then I applied my regular foundation, did a smokey eye, and applied red lipstick then I was done with make-up. Finally I put on the  red dress with some black pumps and I was done.

'Get your cute booty out here Lilly I want to see!' Reagan yelled. I then walked out to see all the boys and Reagan standing there. Calum and Michael's mouths dropped open and Ashton and Luke just stood there. Do I look bad? Should I change?

'Woah you look gorgeous babe' Michael said which made me blush red. Luke then whispered something to Ashton and Ashton started laughing. 'What happened?  Should I change?' I asked. Ashton looked scared for a second and said 'No No No you look fine Luke and me are just laughing at how you haven't noticed the fact that Calum and Michael both have boners.'

That last part made me want to just die in that second. 'Ummmm' I said while rubbing the back of much neck.  Calum then said 'you look beautiful princess I hope you and Michael have fun now let me excuse myself to umm yeah' seconds later Calum was gone and Reagan was just laughing her lungs out.

'Okay babe let's go' Michael said while taking my hand and guiding me outside to see a awesome black limo. 'Michael you didn't have to do this' I said. 'Shush it's our first date I sure as hell will make it special babe' Michael said while opening the door for me.

'Thanks Mikey' I said while blushing. Once both of us were in he put in a music album. 'What's this?' I asked. 'Just wait' Michael said while holding up his finger that indicated Wait for it. Then Nickelback began to blare and I smiled like a goof. How did he know nickelback was one of my favorites?

'You like?' Michael said while wrapping his arm around me. 'I love' I said while kissing his cheek. It was now Michael's turn to blush.  We listened to Animals, Lullaby, and How you remind me but then we arrived to where Michael was taking me. I got out of the car to see that it was a papa John's pizza place.

'Michael you made us get all dressed up for papa johns!' I said while laughing.  'Well pizza is a pretty good food that deserves high class' Michael said while taking my hand and walking into the restaurant. Wow typical Mikey.

'Cheese pizza with black olives babe?' Michael asked.  'How did you know that was my favorite kind of pizza?' I asked. 'Mate intuition babe' Michael said while smirking. Michael then went up to the register and said 'One slice of cheese and black olive and one slice pepperoni please.'

The cook then went to go get our pizza as I went to go get napkins and stuff. As I was grabbing napkins Michael came up behind me and said 'go choose a table I'll get this stuff ' this confused me, I don't like being told what to do and he knows that. Reluctantly I just went and found a cute little Booth in the back of the restaurant that was right next to the window.

Soon enough Michael came back with 2 drinks, napkins, and pizza in his hands. 'Thanks Mikey' I said with a smile, 'No problem babe' he responded with while handing me my pizza and drink.  'What did you get?' I asked. 'Pepperoni pizza and a coke' Michael said. 'What kind of drink is this?'

Michael only smiled and said 'taste it.' I took a sip and it wasn't just one drink it was a mixture of some or as I call them a suicide. 'Dr.Pepper and Mountain Dew?' I said while smiling.  'Yes indeed' Michael said while taking a bite of his pizza. 

I took a bite of mine and it tasted delicious. 'Pizza what would I do without you?' I said while laughing. 'Pizza is a basic necessity of life babe so you wouldn't do anything' Michael said.  That caused me to laugh super hard until I couldn't breathe anymore. When I was done I finished my pizza and took a sip of my pop.

Michael was giggling and said 'Wait pose for a second I want a picture of this' a picture of what. He pulled out his phone so I smiled for the picture, then after he took it he handed me a napkin and said 'wipe your face babe.' No he did not just take a pizza sauce face picture. 

'Babe would you mind if we stopped at a place to pick up something for me and the boys? I don't want to ruin the moment but it is a major necessity that we have this' Michael said. 'Mikey it's fine I understand plus I wouldn't mind you've done so much already it's the least I can do' I said with a smile. Michael and I then walked back to the car and we drove until we reached a hospital.  'Stay in the car and don't come out No matter what, I will be back soon babe' Michael said while kissing my cheek and getting out of the car.

Why are we at a hospital? Wait him and the boys are vampires,  vampires need blood in order to survive. Michael needs to get blood bags for him and the boys so they don't kill Reagan and me.

Ten minutes later Michael was back with a massive cooler in his hand. A cooler full of blood. 'Sorry that took so long babe but thank you for staying in the car' Michael said as he put the cooler in the back seat. We started the music again and happily we both sang along and did terrible dancing that made us laugh until our stomachs hurt.

Once we arrived back at the house Michael opened the door for me, grabbed the cooler,and we walked to the front door. 'Thank you for an amazing night Mikey' I said while giving Michael a real kiss.

I could tell he was shocked but then he just smiled threw our kiss and kissed me back. His lips being soft and gentle making sure not to be rough. Awe.  'Hey No PDA on the porch!' We heard Luke yell. 'Shut up Luke!' Michael yelled back while we both walked inside.

As soon as we walked in I was met by Calum and Reagan.  Calum smiled, gave me a hug, and said 'I'm happy you had a fun night because we are going to have one of our own soon.' Reagan smiled brightly and said 'give me the details' while pulling me into her room.

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