The Choosing

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Lillian's POV

Once Reagan and Ashton left for their date I went to my bed and laid down to sleep. Well I was sleeping until I felt the bed dip and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. The person smelled like mint and chocolate, it was Calum. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and said 'I lub you princess' while kissing my neck which tickled.

I giggled and mumbled 'I love you more my prince now please let me sleep.' Calum then proceeded to kiss my neck repeatedly until I finally said 'okay okay I'm up now you have to make me breakfast.' He smirked, picked me up, and ran me yo the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I realized that I was in my Lacey black and red underwear and a long black T-shirt that was one of the boys.

'Cal I'm in my panties!' I yelled. Seconds later Michael ran out with a smirk on his face. 'Michael Gordon Clifford wipe that  smirk off of your face this instant!' I snapped. He only laughed and said 'Thank you Calum' with a big smile. 'I'm going to get pants' I said while going to stomp off but then Calum grabbed me and yelled 'Michael hurry hide her pants!'

Michael ran into my room with vampire speed and came out with my ALL my pants and skirts then went into his room and hid them. Great just great I'm stuck in a black and red lace pantie until god knows when. Luke then walked out and said 'What's going on in here I want to sleep!' All angry with a rapsy voice that Reagan would've loved.

He then noticed me and said 'I get it,nice underwear Lilly' wow that is it I am done. 'Calum make me food pwweeaassee' I said while giving him puppy dog eyes. 'What do I get out of it?' He said with a smile. 'The fact that I don't kill you for hiding my pants' I said with a smile. 'You're not menacing babe' Michael said while walking towards me and Calum.

'Don't test me Michael I can do much word then flush your hair dye' I said while pointing at him. 'Oh hush babe you can't hurt us' Michael said while wrapping his cold arms around my warm waist. 'Bite me Clifford I'll show you fear' I snapped. 'I'd happily bite you babe I bet you taste delicious' Michael said while smiling.  'Gross Michael' I said with disgust. 

'You do know when you're a vampire you'll have to drink blood' Calum said. 'Never will I become a vampire Calum, and never will I let anyone feed off of me Michael' I said while pulling out of Michael's grasp and sitting down at  the kitchen table. 'Hey babe please we didn't mean to anger you we're just telling you that you will one day have to become a vampire and soon enough complete the mating process with one of us' Michael said.

'I don't want to choose Michael, I love both of you guys and I can't bear to loose one you, can't I just leave and let you both be happy without me' I said with tears in my eyes. Calum and Michael then looked mad and Calum said 'never will you leave princess' while Michael said 'no you are not allowed to leave ever.'

Ever? I have my own freedom! 'Boys please----' I started but I was cut off by Calum saying 'No excuses Lillian you are mine -ours and never will I let anyone even your own self take you away.' Both of the boys eyes were dark and I said 'guys your eyes' both of them muttered swears as Michael walked over to the cooler grabbed two blood bags and poured the blood into two separate cups. 

He handed one to Calum and drank one himself. Yuck!  Their eyes were a dark red as they drank the liquid. 'Want a taste?' Michael asked. 'No that it disgusting' I said.

Calum then handed me a plate with scrambled eggs and a apple on it. 'Thanks Cal' I said with a smile. 'Oh Lilly we are going out tonight wear something casual' Calum said with a wink. I ate my breakfast in a flash then headed straight to the shower.

Once I was done showering I yelled 'Michael I want my light wash skinny jeans!' Soon enough Michael came back with my jeans in his hands, he starred at me, I was in a towel so I said 'take a picture it'll last longer.' With Michael being Michael he actually took a picture and walked out of the room.

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