Chapter three: Empty

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Frisk's POV:

Something went wrong, we are in a blank space. There are no trees, no houses. Is this their universe? Chara looks at me like he notices my confusion. 'Yeah, it's nothing, I know. Blame the guy I'm trying to stop now. It is all his fault..' He seems irritated. It's like he lost already, even though we haven't fought his enemy yet. Some glitching sounds can be heard and as I look behind me, I can see that the houses from the other world are now standing here. But those houses can't fill this void that they call home. Betty and I aren't the only ones that lost everything, but Chara doesn't seem to have anything around him at all. No friends, not even a home. How has he not gone insane yet? We at least had a place to live. That reminds me. Are Betty and I going to have a home here? Maybe returning home after this adventure is the better choice. As I look at her, she starts to cheer Chara up. 'Chara, it's ok! It is not much that you have right now, but we can help! Frisk and I will try our best to make this a lovely home. It will be our home as well after all.' She smiles, and Chara smiles a bit as well. 'Thank you for that.. I really suspected you as a villain type but I guess your love for Frisk was more important.' Oh great, now I'm blushing again.. as long as Betty doesn't see it, it's fine. As I look up I can see her running at me. She gives me a tight hug, but Nightmare interrupts us. 'CAN YOU KNOCK IT OFF WITH THE POSITIVITY?! IT'S ANNOYING ME YOU STUPID BRATS!' We quickly stop hugging, Nightmare nods and turns to Chara.

Cross Chara's POV:

'Dude, knock it off! They are here to help and you are just scaring them away!' I know Nightmare doesn't like positive energy around him, but yelling at Betty and Frisk is a bit too much. At least they can be happy, unlike me. 'If you needed help so badly..' A tentacle grabs me by the throat. '.. then why didn't you let ME recruit someone? It's clear that I have am better at that!' He's trying to scare me, I can see it. The tentacle is not choking me, just holding me. 'Nightmare.. Let. Go.' He frowns and actually starts to choke me. Maybe he really is mad. As I close my eyes I can hear a slash. I'm not being choked anymore, did he put me down? When I open my eyes I can see that Frisk cut through Nightmare his tentacle. That is not something I suspected. If Betty saved me it would make a lot more sense, but Frisk? He never trusted me, he wouldn't care! Nightmare just grows back another tentacle and looks at me. 'You're right, they do have some fight in them.' He looks around. 'Can you stay here for a while? I need to do something really important to make sure nothing goes wrong.' After I give a calm nod, he dissapears. Betty runs towards me and Frisk. 'That was amazing! Where did you get the courage to just attack him?' He just gives a calm smile and walks towards one of the houses. 'You make weirder choices when you're tired.' The door closes. Even though we don't have way of telling how late it is in here, you can see that we've been awake for more that twenty-four hours now. Our eyes almost close immediately if we don't do our best to keep them open, we can't stand up straight for longer than a minute, my vision is blurry as well. Betty goes after Frisk and I choose my own house. Without even touching the bed I fall asleep and drop onto it.

Betty's POV:

Frisk is sleeping already as I enter the bedroom. The room has chains hanging on the wall, which creeps me out. I guess the universe where these houses came from had some.. angry monsters. If they are always like that it makes sense that their homes look like this. A soft growling sound comes from behind me. Did our enemies find us? As I turn around I see Akumu. Ever since Chara appeared he turned into a flower so that no one would see him. 'Kumu.. I missed you today, were you tired?' He nods. Maybe he doesn't want Frisk to know, but he is lying. Knowing that we still think the same way, he is scared. Not of Chara.. but of Nightmare. That guy seems to have his own plans with this adventure. He just hurts others and lives on negative emotions. What if Chara wins? He can be happy again and make friends in his new world. Nightmare can't live with that, and at the moment he seems way stronger than Chara. If he isn't happy with how many negative emotions are felt during this adventure, he could do anything to satisfy himself. That means he could torture us. 'Kumu, we have to tell the others. If we don't fight Nightmare with all three of us he would win easily.' Frisk sits up, yawns and looks at me. 'You don't trust him either do you?'

Nightmare's POV:

I don't know where they are going next, but I'm not making in easy on them. Chara on his own is just a fountain of bad emotions, but now that Frisk and Betty are with us, they all became happy. If I'm not getting any negative emotions from them I have to get them another way. The best thing I can do here is make them take a detour, but to where? In what universe does it reek of anger and sadness? 'OF COURSE! HORRORTALE!' As I teleport to there I already get greeted by a Sans with a red eye. Perfect. I can feel bad emotions coming from everywhere. Now I get to make it worse. 'What do you want squiddy?' The Sans stares at me. 'Listen up, there will be some people coming to you very soon. They may look nice, but they will end your world. Finish them as soon as possible!' I don't get a reaction, he just keeps staring at me. As I walk away he speaks. 'I will.' That's good to hear. He doesn't even have to kill someone, but their fear will make me so much stronger. And if I'm lucky, he might just scare Frisk and Betty so badly that they stop helping Chara and return to their own universe.

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