Chapter two: Cheater

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Cross Chara's POV:

Even though the people here are rude to eachother, they have not had a real fight. I don't count punchin someone in the face and then walking away as fighting, so this should be easy. A couple of bones fly at me, but with that speed I can just dodge them without any problems. Sans doesn't seem suprised. 'Heh, to be honest, I thought I could go easy on you. You seemed so weak.' Excuse me? Not only is he slowing me down, but he also called me weak. I'll show you who's so weak here. As I slash at him he simply dodges and grabs my arm. 'Too slow!' The tree he throws me against falls over. Either that tree was really weak or he is a bit stronger than I thought. 'Sorry kid, normally I wouldn't care so much, but the boss is going to kill me if I don't fix this, so I have to kill you.' Wait.. who said I wanted to play by the rules? This is not an ordinary battle anymore. Time to change it, time to overwrite. Chains trap the Sans in his position. 'Was that fast enough for you?' The smile on his face dissapears and I'm able to smash him back to the start of Snowdin. I could make him my slave, but I like beating this jerk up more than that. He spawned a few blasters, but before I can do anything he fires them. 'Wow, not only are you annoying, you're also a filthy cheater!' He might be right, I was able to overwrite myself away, but I never said this battle would be fair. The Sans lands and shoots a lot of bones at me. Some people never learn. With one push on the button I appear in front of him and knock him out. 'Who is the weak one now?'

Frisk's POV:

That button.. I've never seen it before. It looks like my reset and continue button, but it is purple and says 'OVERWRITE' on it. Chara changed the reality with it. Spawning chains, glitching himself away. Isn't that a bit dangerous? The Sans from here lays on the ground. As I check on him I can see he has 0.1 HP. Looks like Chara really doesn't want to kill anyone. The other monsters are yelling at us now, but they seem scared. No one knows what Chara just did and to be honest, neither do I. Maybe if I get a hold of that button I could figure out how it works, but if that button is attached to him the same way my buttons were for me, I can't just take it. Chara probably wouldn't let me take it either, he wants to keep that power for himself. He yells towards the others. 'Let that be a warning! Don't mess with us!' The monsters don't react until one says 'ATTACK!'. They run at us in full force. Before they can do anything Nightmare pulls us up and drops us on the hill. 'I said hurt someone, not piss off everyone who lives here!' Chara stands up and growls at him. 'It's not like I wanted everyone their attention!' As those two continue to argue I help Betty up. She looks at me and gives me a cute smile. 'Are you ok?' We landed in snow, so it's not like she's bleeding or anything. This situation is just a lot to take in for me, and I don't know how she feels about it. After spitting out the snow that she accidentally ate, she starts to speak.

Betty's POV:

'Heh, don't worry, the snow broke my fall.' It's nice of him to show his concern, but I can take a hit. He should know that, we fought multiple times before this, together and against eachother. 'That's not what I ment, this is all new for us and I don't know what to think about it.' Oh, he ment that. This is a bit different than our world of course. No more zombies, living monsters around us, but also some monsters who i'd rather not talk to. Nightmare just creeps me out, and the monsters in this universe are mean to us. 'Betty?' Frisk looks at me, waiting for an answer. 'It's new. But I think we can get through this together. Hurting the people we encounter here might be a bit worse tho. They feel, they can think,they can fight back. It is not fighting braindead zombies anymore, it's a real battle.' He nods and looks at Nightmare and Chara, who are still arguing, then he looks down at the monsters. 'We should get out of here, before they realise they could easily get up here.' He's right. Pushing Chara stops the argument between him and Nightmare. They both look down and then look at eachother. 'Frisk is correct, we aren't the only people here who shouldn't be here anymore.' Chara points to the group, there seems to be two more monsters that look like Sans. One looks a bit like the one from our timeline, the other his eyes change every time, and he has vials around his body. Why are they here? Are they looking for someone? Tentacles wrap around all three of us. 'We are leaving!' We get teleported to Waterfall. At least it's calm here.

Frisk's POV:

Why did we have to leave so soon? Those monsters weren't planning on hurting us. Maybe Chara and Nightmare recognised someone and left. The echo flowers here are wispering mean thing to us as well. They probably overheard a conversation and took over those words. Betty looks at them and whispers 'You're cute.' Now all the flowers are saying that. 'Betty come on!' The warmth on my cheeks make me realise that I'm blushing, and Betty saw that too. She gives me a tight hug and shakes me around. 'It's true tho, you really are a cutie.' Her smile warms my heart, but that warmth quickly dissapears when Nightmare starts to speak. 'Listen up you two, those two Sans' are bad news, they are trying to stop Chara from making his own world. If they even get in our way, you give it all you've got to kill them!' So those guys are a problem? Never thaught about an evil Sans, but Nightmare seems evil as well, so I guess I'll have to live with the fact that there are more evil versions of Sans out there. 'We are going to our world soon to show you what it looks like, it's not much but you have to start somewhere right?' To be honest, it would be kind of nice to see where we will be staying after this fight, I do not want to end up in a weird creepy universe. Betty didn't listen, she's just staring at the water. 'LISTEN UP WE AREN'T TELLING YOU STUFF AGA-' The fact that he looks scary does not mean Nightmare can insult my girlfriend. He wants to attack me but Chara stops him. 'Fighting is pointless Nightmare, we are on the same team here and we will be for a long time. Now, bring us home.' With a snap of Nightmare his fingers we all get teleported to Chara his universe.

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