Chapter thirteen: Hope

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Betty's POV:

'We're here..' Frisk his body didn't dissapear. I guess his soul is still intact.. I swear if I get my hands on that freak. He took the last thing I have.. 'SO MARK MY WORDS THAT I'LL TAKE EVERYRHING FROM Y-' Fell looks at me like I just murdered someone. 'Are you okay? You seem a bit more.. agressive than five minutes ago.' Well, I still am.. but I guess that now there is hope to save Frisk. I will have to give it my all. 'Yea, I'm good.. can you carry him?' I don't want him on my back. Not like I can't carry him, but I don't want to be reminded of his death. All this is giving me so many mixed emotions. At first you are fine, second you lose someone you love but then there is a chance to undo it all.  I don't think anyone would not take that chance and the people who did probably don't feel true love. 'Can you please move? You have been staring at the air for a hot minute and I don't want to get my ass blasted!' Way to ruin the mood Fell. He is carrying Frisk, so I guess I should return the favor and hurry up. 'I'm coming, calm down' He rolls his eyes and walks further. As we approach the core, a bright purple light can be seen. 'Wait, why didn't we teleport here?' Fell seems frustrated and nearly drops Frisk. 'You didn't want to teleport! Do you have any idea how tired my legs are after carrying a corpse I can't believe you!' He keeps rambling on. I could just kill him, but that won't get us anywhere. Besides then I might damage Frisk his body. Guess I'll have to sit and hear him out.

Sans's POV:

'Chara! CC!' Come out.. there isn't a lot of space to hide, might as well let the seeker win!' I need to find him. We can't stop XGaster and Ink on our own. Weirdly enough I can't teleport directly to Chara either. Did he do something to me? I hear a step. Someone is trying to sneak away. A few big blue bones should do it. As I walk closer I can see that I found my target. 'Cha-' I can't get a word out. 'DON'T TALK TO ME. I CAN'T EVEN PROTECT A HUMAN PROPERLY THEN HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PROTECT YOU. GO AWAY. I WILL FINISH THI-' Didn't want to, but I had to cover his mouth. 'Calm down kiddo..' How do I say this properly.. 'Listen.. I saw a lot of my friends die.. countless of times.. I didn't step in, and it felt horrible. Watching them get killed one by one. So I did what was the right thing to do.. I took revenge. It didn't always go according to plan, but when it did, it felt amazing. I am not sure if we can beat XGaster, but I know we have a better chance together. And who knows, maybe you can create your own world after. But don't take that as a promise, I'm just a skeleton.' As the blue bones dissapear, Chara looks at me. He seems in pain, but a spark of hope seems to grow inside of him. 'Do you think that we can take him?' Truth is, I'm not sure. I have no idea what he's capable of. 'No idea kiddo, but we don't know if we don't try.' Chara smiles. 'At least you're honest. Let's go.'

Cross Chara's POV:

After a quick flash, we are standing next to the others. Betty seems bored out of her mind and Fell is yelling until Sans throws his slipper at him. 'Betty.. are you ok..?' She shakes her head, but hugs me after. 'Don't blame this on yourself.. we'll figure things out.' Fell looks at us. 'Are you two done hugging it out? I think this purple glowy thing is our only way of tracking that maniac.' Purple.. glowy thing? As I look in the crater, there is a purple orb floating there. I tap on it without second thought. A screen with some code opens. 'They went to Underswap.. why? And why is this here?' A soft voice appears behind us. 'Because I want you to stop them. I need you to..' Another Sans is behind us. Sans and Fell don't seem shocked. 'I- I saw what he did.. he is clearly not okay.. he doesn't feel.. he only listens to XGaster, and they want to use Underswap for an experiment.. I'm scared. I didn't know how to get your attention so I used a bit of code from the hand to track it to the source.' That was way too much information, but we can't let him get away with this. If he has manipulated Ink this badly he could do anything.. at least Ink made somewhat sense before but now.. he's become a second XGaster. 'Oh.. my name is Dream by the way.' Fell looks at him. 'Lemme guess, you found us because we were being all cheery and stuff cuz woohoo someone di-' I think the deadly look I gave him should be enough. 'Actually, you guys getting hope to win got me here.. and because there are still a lot of happy emotions in Underswap, I can get you there as well.'

Dream's POV:

I can't believe it. I trusted Ink for so long. Why does he do this now? For what I understand, XGaster promised him something if he helped him. Now they are going all around the multiverse for little experiments. I thought XGaster his goal was to stop that boy. Did he grow tired of it and decide to use other worlds for what he wants? I can't feel any good emotions in him. Whatever this experiment is, it won't leave a good impact on the timeline they're in. And Ink.. why can't you see that he is up to no good? What did he promise you..?

XGaster's POV:

With this soul. With determination in my grasp. It will be enough for our experiment. If I fail it won't matter. It's not my universe. It'll only bring us to a perfect world. A perfect timeline. My world. The overwrite button blinks and Chara spawns. This world doesn't know that this Chara will kill. In my world people saw that something was wrong thanks to that little brat. But he got what he deserved. Let's see how betrayal feels. Let's see if anyone will defend the others. Let's see what pain does to them. Let the experiment begin!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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