Chapter five: Betrayal

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Cross Chara's POV:

... This world needs to be improved ...
... It's just like a game I want to explore ...
. . STOP HIM NOW!! . .

'Are you ok?' Frisk's question drags me out of my flashbacks and back to reality. My cheeks feel like a fountain went over it, but I never realised I was crying. The things he did to me and my brother.. how he treated us, used us.. I will make XGaster pay for what he did. 'Frisk, the guy we are going up against wanted his world to be perfect, but he didn't think that much about how we felt. He did bad things to me and my brother and I'm kinda glad that I can create a home where I'm happy in.. but you're right. I won't make the same mistake as him.' As I spawn back the normal house, Frisk gives a friendly nod and looks at Betty. She seems upset that her food is gone, so I quickly spawn a piece of meat in. Within seconds Frisk looks at me. 'What? We still need to eat.' I'm trying not to laugh here, because he can't really look mad. It just looks like he's joking. He sighs and sits on a rock. 'Where are we going next? It's kind of boring in here.' To be honest, I don't know. I would have discussed this with Nightmare by now but he has been gone for a while. 'Who knows, if Nightmare gets back I'll ask him.' Both of their expressions give me the feeling they want to tell me something, for some reason they keep their mouths shut though. Frisk stands up again and stares into the distance. 'Please tell me you'll be able to fill this void up Chara, I don't want you to live here otherwise. You'd turn insane eventually.' A smile appears on my face. 'Trust me, I am able to. But let's go somewhere else for now. Nightmare! get over here!'

Nightmare's POV:

Even though I didn't have as much time as I thought, I was still able to tell a lot of universes to look out for Chara, Frisk and Betty. If everyone fights them, they will feel so many bad emotions and I love it. You can't even call me the bad guy because I warned Chara that if he didn't cause people to feel negative emotions, our deal would be over. Technically I could indeed stop working together with him but this is so much funnier. As I teleport towards him, he immediately gives me the question I knew he would ask. 'Where are we going now?' He smiles and waits patiently. What happened to him? He became such a softie after he recruited those two. Luckily I'm about to end it. 'We are going to UnderSwap. They are in a pacifist run and already live on the surface, so that should give you enough data to steal and make your own.' Poor kid, he trusts me too much. This is what happens whem you stop paying attention and believe everything that someone says. Now I can safely teleport us to HorrorTale and call it an accident without him doubting me. Frisk and Betty already don't trust me, I can feel it. But that won't be a problem, they will run away in fear soon. After that I'll see if I work together with Chara again or if I'll just end his life. 'Are you all ready?' Chara gives a thumbs up and Betty silently nods. Frisk doesn't give any reaction, but right before I'm able to teleport us, I get pushed aside by him.

Frisk's POV:

'Wait.. Chara.. I know he is able to help you with traveling through universes, but Betty and I really don't trust him. We want you to be save and this guy is not going to help with that!' There, I said it. Nightmare still has a stupid grin on his face, but he isn't attacking me. Chara stares down and it looks like he is thinking about something. 'Guys, I know he can be a bit mean sometimes, but saying that you can't trust him without any real proof is kinda mean. He helped us all this time and now you're saying he will hurt us. If you don't have a good reason or example, I think I'll leave you behind here..' What can I convince him with? Maybe Betty knows something? As I look at her she just shakes her head, so that's a no. 'Ehm.. he strangled us, left us behind.. that kind of stuff..' Chara seems really dissapointed. I don't want him to leave us behind. I finally felt like I could see him as a friend. Does he feel the same way about us? 'He may be a bit harsh sometimes, but it's not like he is trying to kill us. Without him, I would have achieved nothing. I'm sorry, but I think I have to leave you behind here. We will come back tho. It still feels like we've become good friends, and I would like to keep it that way. See you soon.' He looks at Nightmare, who then teleports them away before I can say anything. Now we are alone. Stranded in a white void. Betty slowly walks up to me and gives me a hug. 'It's ok.. you tried..' So? I still failed, like always. First I couldn't protect the city, and now I can't even save a friend. The door almost splits in two after I slam it shut. After I lock it I can hear Betty scream out my name.

Betty's POV:

He's been in there for ten minutes, and he doesn't listen to me at all. Suddenly Akumu floats next to me and goes under the door. '..Couldn't you have done that earlier?!' He opens the door, sits on my head and turns back into a flower. 'Frisk..? Are you okay?' His head is under the pillow, and I can only hear him sobbing. 'Hey..' As I take the pillow away he grabs my arm and pulls me down. His arms wrap around me. 'At least you'll always be by my side.' He starts to smile and so do I. It's still weird to think about. What was first my worst enemy is now my boyfriend, and he is still adorable. 'Frisk, when he gets back, we will try again.' Chara is now alone with Nightmare, so he will see a lot more of his actions. Hopefully he thinks about it a bit so that we can convince him. Frisk stood up and is now looking out the window. 'Why are there red spots on the floor there?' Wait, what? After rushing down the stairs I go outside to find a note. 'List of universes to invade.. UnderSwap.. OuterTale, HorrorTale..' HorrorTale? That doesn't sound good. Is Nightmare actually trying to kill Chara? That's sooner than I thought he would. 'Frisk?! Do you have a way to explore the multiverse?' He looks around and then walks to a weird portal. 'Maybe this can help?' It seems to have a lot of hanging papers in it, nothing else. It might be the only chance we have though, so I quickly jump in the portal. Frisk follows shortly after. Let's hope that we will find Chara in time so that we can save him.

Betty x Frisk: Enter the underverseWhere stories live. Discover now