Chapter eleven: Mistakes

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Cross Chara's POV:

'FRISK YOU FOOL WE COULD'VE DIED! YOU'RE LUCKY THAT I WAS ABLE TO TIME THE OVERWRITE CORRECTLY!' I get that they have had a rough past but did they really have to talk about it now? I lost my world as well but I'm not crying about it either.. I'm just getting revenge. This whole adventure started because I wanted to get my own world back.. can I really blame Betty for feeling guilty for destroying Frisk's world and him reacting to that? Our stories aren't so different, but Betty regrets what she did.. I wish XGaster felt guilty, but he doesn't feel anything. 'Okay.. look.. I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to die yet. Forgive me for yelling..' Both Frisk and Betty nod, but the look in their eyes tells me that something is wrong. Are they mad at me? As I look around I realise that that is not the case. I forgot one huge thing when setting up this plan. The blast broke everything down, so there is nowhere to hide for us anymore. If XGaster and Ink find out that we didn't leave, they'll return to here. There has to be a spot where we can hide. Maybe under some rubble? By the looks of it, all the rubble is radiated now, so that isn't the best idea. We could go to the core but if they find us we can easily get trapped. I guess there is no way out. If they come here, we have to fight. At the exact moment that thought crosses ny mind, a portal from the multiverse opens up right in front of us. 'Well, I must say Chara, your thinking became faster than I thought. But did you really think we didn't notice you trying to trick us?' XGaster smirks. I guess it's time to fight them.

Betty's POV:

Weirdly, I can only feel XGaster his emotions. Ink isn't feeling anything and I'm guessing that's a bad sign. 'Frisk. Betty. You are on the bad side here. I don't want to hurt you. This is your last chance. Let us take Chara or perish.' He's lying. He doesn't care if we get hurt, he just wants to make this battle easier for himself. XGaster frowns at him, then looks at Frisk. 'Let's be honest here. We are just here to stop Chara, but I'd LOVE to see what you two are truly capable of. So, bring it on!' His eyes give an insane, twisted look. He seems to be focused on Frisk, but before I can process why, Ink already fires a blaster at us. Chara stepped aside and has the overwrite button ready whilst Frisk jumped over the attack and sliced the blaster in half. I was barely able to dodge. 'Frisk- this might not be the time to show off!' He isn't listening and as I look at XGaster, a grin starts to form on his face. He shoots multiple hands with spikes at us. 'Kumu! Scythe! Now!' Akumu flies towards me and turns into a scythe. 'Finally, a weapon.' I'm able to slice through some hands and Chara simply overwrites them away. 'Is that all you got?!' They both smirk and fire multiple blasters. Chara gets hit by one. That's where arrogance brings you. We have to stay alert. They are holding back on us. I guess it's up to me and Frisk to beat these guys now. Ink fires black ink at us but we are both able to block it, what we didn't expect was the purple ink right after and the multiple blasters fired at us. As I jump over I can see Frisk cutting right through all the ink and blocking all the blasters. Is he mad at them or something?

Frisk's POV:

I lost my home once, and now that I have the chance to get a new one, these two are trying to take it from me? Chara is scared. I saw it in his eyes. He does not want to fight his creator. But me? I don't know these two well enough to care. I just want my happy ending and all I know about them is that they are trying to take it from me. From us. Betty is staring at me, which isn't smart. She could get hit easily now if Ink or XGaster notices. Ink fires a blaster at her but she blocks it without even looking at it. Now she is sprinting towards Ink. Suddenly it looks like she has the same anger as me. She attacks him but Ink blocks it and XGaster blasts her away. That's two of us down. I guess they weren't prepared for a fight. 'Alright, I give up.' Both Ink and XGaster raise an eyebrow but they smile as I drop my sword. 'Wise choice, me and Ink shall make sure you'll get a peaceful DEATH!' Just as I thought. No mercy. I can hear an attack summon from behind me. If that's how they are going to play it.. I grab my sword and slice through the hand with a spike before it can even get close to me. 'Do you really think I'm that stupi-' Another one.. from behind me.. again.. after it takes my soul out, I drop to the floor. My vision gets blurry.. I can only hear Betty cry and Chara scream.. I hope they will be ok.. I can't hear them anymore.. it's getting darker.. good luck..

Cross Chara's POV:

'YOU MONSTER! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! THIS WAS BETWEEN ME AND YOU AND NOW YOU KILLED HIM?!' I never thought this would happen.. it would be only logical that he would kill me.. why did he get Frisk..? XGaster laughs as he absorbs his soul. 'His determination was stronger. Yours became weak. You knew you would never be able to win this battle, and even though you were right, it weakened you.. now it's your time to die.' He summons multiple hands with spikes around us and Ink aims his blasters at us.. we lost.. Betty is next to me, in tears.. 'I'm sorry.. I never thought he would take him.. I hoped we had a chance..' She stops crying and stands up. 'Betty.. I really like your enthusiasm, but we lost..' Even with tears on her face, a smile appears. 'Rhapdophobia'

Betty's POV:

Even though Ink prepared himself against this, XGaster didn't even know  that I was able to do this. All the hands are mine now. The blasters are ready to fire but the hands destroy them. XGaster seems suprised. Ink doesn't seem to care. 'XGaster, friend. It's time we left. They won't win like this, let them rot here.' XGaster looks at me, then at Chara. 'I suppose you are correct. Besides, now that I have determination, we can continue with our plans.' They open a portal to the multiverse, but before I can get in or attack them, they went in themselves and closed the portal. All the hands around me drop and I collapse on Frisk his body. Tears run down my face again. 'F-frisk.. p-please come b-back.. I.. I love you..'

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