Chapter seven: Mark my words

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Frisk's POV:

My head hurts. Betty just got layed next to me and Ink is looking around. He doesn't notice that I woke up, so I guess that's good. 'Betty.. I'll get us out of here.. we just have to wait until he finds HorrorTale, ok?' She nods and smiles. Ink pushes some papers away and stares at one. 'HorrorTale.. I could fight them.. or I'll let that Sans do what he does best.. kill.' Does that mean that Chara is actually fighting already? I have to hurry then. Ink turns away and looks at other universes. 'So much destruction.. they will pay..' He looks at a vial and then goes to us. 'If you're smart, you will join me. Both of you.' Now he is in a perfect range to hit, so I quickly summon my sword to slash, but Ink already stepped back and grabs his brush. 'I don't care what's right at the moment, but Chara is in danger. I can't let him die!' Ink looks suprised. He slowly summons a blaster and aims it at me, and then at Betty. 'Dude, leave her out of this.' He smiles. 'I can kill who you love right now if you don't work with me. And trust me, I will.' Anger blinds me and I quickly slash through the blaster. 'Do NOT hurt her.' He waves with his brush and black ink shoots my way. As I dodge he already flings purple ink my way. With a quick roll and some luck only one arm gets chained up. Ink grabs me by the throat and looks behind me. 'So, you want to save your friend? I can't let that happen. Not this time. But if you want to join him. Go ahead!' He spins and throws me at HorrorTale with full force. After a quick blink I'm in HorrorTale. But something seems off. Where is Chara?

Betty's POV:

Great. Just great. Frisk and Chara can get seriously hurt if I don't help them right now. I have to get Ink's attention so that I can escape. But how? 'Maybe you are right Ink. Everything Chara has been doing seems kind of odd. I think I prefer your side..' He looks at me with questioning eyes. I truly hopes he believes me, or else I can't leave. 'Hmm.. that's wonderful! You can join me on my quest to stop them.. if they don't die right now.. AND you can return home afterwards!' The chains turn back to ink and the ink dissapear from my body. I'm free. What's the best thing to do now? I could make him get me to HorrorTale, or I fight him here to avoid any issues in the future. Akumu looks at me, and then at Ink with a frown. I guess that means option two. 'Alright Kumu, you know what to do.' He turns into a scythe and drops into my hands, but as I slash at Ink, he blocks the attack. 'You really need to work on your lies. They are so unbelievable. I guess Frisk made you soft.' He kicks me through the void and teleports in front of me to smack me with his brush. 'Ow.. just let me go with Frisk..' Ink teleports next to me again. 'In this state you would get killed. I think it's better for me to put you out of your misery.' Is he going to kill me? I can't get up, he will just teleport to me. I can only hug Akumu and say goodbye to him. Where is he though? Ink looks pale all of the sudden. A pink blade went through his body. 'Kumu!' Whilst Akumu goes towards me, Ink drops on the ground and looks at me. 'Do not.. help them..' He drops to the ground and passes out. I don't want anybody to die though. As I look up I can see that Fresh is still there. 'You! Help him now!' He jumps through the portal and lands next to Ink. 'You got it dawg! Go save your friends brah!' Apperantly he didn't notice that Ink doesn't like us, but I don't mind. I don't think I want to fight again. After looking through some universes I can see HorrorTale. The portal Ink made to look inside is still open, so I can finally go in. The first thing I see is Frisk looking around. 'Chara? Where are you?'

Cross Chara's POV:

Killer is too strong. He has cut me, thrown me and stabbed me multiple times and I can't do anything. We even went further into the forest, but hiding isn't an option either. Even if I would be able to win this, Nightmare would kill me afterwards. I can't even overwrite. Every time I'm trying to do so, Killer is already behind me. Even now. He cornered me. The gaps between the trees are too small to get through. 'Game over' He lifts his knife. This might actually be my chance. I overwrite the first thing I can think of. His knife. It's rubber now. I might not be in the best shape, but at least the battle it more fair now. Nightmare is growling. Like he forgot that I can do that. But as I look at him I realise he isn't growling at me. He's looking at something else. Nightmare teleports to the ground, so I quickly kick Killer away and run towards him. What is he going to do? Before I can reach him, a tentacle grabs my leg and flings me back towards Killer. 'Fight me like a man!' As he turns around, I overwrite all the damage that has been done to me. 'You want to fight huh? I thought you were pretty busy with Killer, but you knocked him out. You are such a cheater. I refuse to battle you, but your "friends" would love a fight with me, wouldn't they?' He teleports. Are Betty and Frisk here? I run towards the ruins, but Frisk has aready been grabbed, and Betty is laying in the snow. Bleeding. Nightmare turns around and laughs.

Nightmare's POV:

I'm pretty sure I warned him. I didn't like these two from the start, but that didn't stop him from recruiting them. Sadly it's over. I have no use for Chara anymore, so I'm not going to pretend I like Betty and Frisk. It's the opposite actually, I'm going to show how much I hate them! 'Let them go Nightmare! I know you want to fight me for my actions, so leave my friends out of this..' Chara summoned his knife. Does he really think I am scared of a kid with a weapon? I can take all three of these morons and still win. 'Oh, you have so much to learn, kid. This is what happens when you don't listen. And because your friends care about you so much, I have the perfect example of what will happen to you soon.' He can't beat me. Seeing his friends like this, knowing he failed. His mind is infected with bad thoughts. There is no way he can think clearly on how to beat me. Even if he attacks it will be the weakest one I've ever se- 'NIGHTMARE. GET YOUR GROSS TENTACLES OFF OF THEM. I WILL END YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND. MARK MY WORDS!'

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