Chapter four: Misuse

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Frisk's POV:

The light coming from outside wakes me up. It's not sunlight tho, the white empty space just looks so bright. Betty is still asleep. She is using Akumu as an extra pillow, which is kinda smart actually. After I give her a kiss on the head I go downstairs. We talked a lot yesterday. It was nice that we finally got the chance to talk without anyone hearing us. If Nightmare was next to us he would be so pissed, and I don't want to die yet, neither does Betty. Thinking about it already gives me a cold feeling. Being stabbed or choked by tentacles isn't the best way to die. It's why we came to a conclusion. Nightmare doesn't really care about us, he just cares about bad emotions, making him extremely scary and unpredictable. If he wants to kill us for his pleasure he could just do it. The only way we can beat him is if all three of us fight him at once, and when Chara knows our plan, that's exactly what we are going to do. But I'm the only one awake right now, so I have to wait for Betty and Chara to wake up. As I look through the kitchen I realise there might not be any food. It could have been left behind when the house was taken. Luckily for me these people are just picky eaters, there is some milk and energy drinks in the fridge and there is cereal and weirdly enough, some carrots. Cereal is my best option, because the rest is not really ment to be eaten in the morning. As I rub my eyes I spill a bit of milk. If I'm going to live here I better keep it clean, so my search for a piece of cloth begins. As I turn around my lips immediately touch someone else's.

Betty's POV:

That's a nice way to greet me, I wanted to suprise him but I guess he was quicker than me. 'Well, I'm awake now. Goodmorning.' Frisk is out of breath. He turns around and grabs his bowl of cereal. 'Do you want something to eat as well? There is not much food in this house, so you can have my cereal if tou want it.' As hungry as I am, I'm not going to eat cereal. We are going to be fighting a lot and I don't think I will have enough energy with just that. Neither will he. 'Maybe we could ask Chara for some food? Then we can talk about our fears about Nightmare as well.' Frisk nods, and then eats his cereal. 'It doesn't make it lest tasty!' I don't think I'm getting that image out of my head. Frisk with a mouth full of cereal is kinda gross, but cute. 'Heh, let's just go..' Snow drops into the house as I open the door, and I still despise it. My body gets cold and I can't really move. 'How is this even possible? There is almost nothing here!' With a bit of laughter, Frisk pulls me out of the snow and goes upstairs. 'Maybe we can go through the window.' The snow blocks all the windows downstairs but didn't reach the windows here. He jumps out of one and stands on the snow. 'It's so strong, I'm not falling through it.' I carefully take a step outside and walk over the snow. How is it holding us? Someone yells to us from a distance. 'This is amazing! I didn't think I could pull it off but I spawned some snow in guys!' It's Chara. But he is almost as white as the snow, so we can't really see him. Frisk grabs my arm and runs towards him. 'Chara, do you have food?' A smile appears on Chara his face. 'Of course!'

Cross Chara's POV:

This button is not only capable of changing things towards the way I want them to be, I can also change the weather conditions, give myself all the luxery I need and deserve, and much more. Spawning in some bread shouldn't really be a problem. The overwrite button glows as two baguettes fall into Frisk his hand. It's truly amazing. This morning there wasn't even snow, but with one simple tap, it came down from the sky in a huge amount, the entire ground is covered in snow and I love it. My house is now a castle with a bed that can fit in four people. The breakfast I got was delicious. A perfectly cooked steak, bread with bacon and sirup and hot chocolate milk with whipped cream. It makes your stomach happy. Frisk gives a confused look. 'How did you get all of this stuff?' Whilst smiling, I respond. 'With a few pushes on my overwrite button, I can make stuff exactly like I want it. It can help in battle, but also with making a tasty meal. Come on, let's go inside!' I use the button again and all the snow in front of me dissapears, leaving me a nice slope to go into the castle. 'Follow me.' As I take one step on the slope, I slide down and land in my throne in the castle. Frisk and Betty try to walk down carefully but they both slip as well. All the food on the table made Betty hungry apperantly, because she quickly sits down and eats. Frisk slowly stands up and looks around.

Frisk's POV:

There are chandeliers everywhere, the kitchen has five ovens and there are butlers everywhere. I'm glad to see that he is happy with this home, but I feel like it's a bit too much. That button could be used to solve so many problems in other universes but Chara only uses it so that he can live with the most unneeded items. He has a hot tub, even though he just spawned snow in. As I walk up to him he already notices I don't like it as much as he does. 'What's wrong Frisk?' A purple glow appears behind him and suddenly he is wearing a crown. 'Isn't this a bit too much? You are the only one that lives here and you are kinda abusing your "overwrite" ability..' Now he has a staff in his hand and pulls me closer to him with it. 'Listen Frisk. I'm not going to live here alone. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I like you two. After this battle, a part of this castle could be yours, and you'll get a butler too. It will be amazing, we will have so much fun.' Maybe this is the life Betty and I are looking for. We wouldn't have to do anything. No more scavenging, no more fighting. People would do that for us.. and we'd get a nice soft bed, and.. Snap out of it Frisk. Power can turn people into horrible leaders. I would indeed not have to do anything, but everyone would hate me. The only way to stop him is by getting rid of everything he spawned in here. The button is still behind him. I quickly press it and the entire castle dissapears. 'WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!' A knife is now right in front of my face. 'Chara, don't abuse that power. You should take care of your citizens as well when they get here, not only of yourself. How would you feel if someone would do that to you?'

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