Chapter twelve: Mourning

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Cross Chara's POV:

'Betty, are you ok..?' She has tears in her eyes. I can't reach out to her because she isn't responding to me. Why.. why did he pick Frisk? This whole thing was between me and him. 'Betty.. I'm sorry.. It's all my fault and I understand if you want to leave now..' She finally stops crying, but I am not sure if that is a good sign or a bad sign. 'Just.. leave me alone for a while.. I need to think about this..' With tears still rolling down her face she runs away. I can only hope she won't be gone for long. I don't want to starve here. I suppose I could walk around but there isn't much left. The first explosion that Betty caused already made this place look like crap but.. now it's nothing. Just an empty world.. with nothing in it.. just like.. mine.. I can hear my tears drop to the ground. Did I really destroy their world just like he destroyed mine..? 'Come on Chara, hold it together.. mistakes happen..' It doesn't matter. I can say whatever I want but that does not take the guilt away. Betty probably feels the same as me back then, so she will turn against me.. 'Maybe.. with what little power I have..' One tap on the overwrite button places a few houses back. If I can do that with the house where they lived.. no, that's a bad idea.. I can't make a right decision anymore. What even is right? I put my friends their lives on the line, I promised them a better life, AND NOW SOMEONE LOST HIS!.. I'm resting here, but tomorrow.. I'll leave alone. This is my fight, these are my enemies. I'm not putting her life at risk as well.

Betty's POV:

Fighting zombie hordes was better than this. It seemed so simple, but I guess we forgot that we aren't invincible.. Frisk was always skeptical about this.. when Chara first asked us he refused to go, but we got forced. I guess he was right to be scared after all. The enemies we are dealing with are so much stronger than the braindead ones we could easily kill. I feel like I want to blame Chara, I need to blame him.. but I can't.. Looking around, looking at this empty world we used to live in. It really reminds me of his. There were a few buildings and a lot of monsters, but he fought for that. He had to hurt others for that. As brutal as that is to the other universes, I feel like he thinks he doesn't have a choice. He just wants a world to be free in. Nightmare probably played some stupid part in it as well. A deal with that guy will always have some tricks with it, otherwise Chara could've just asked him to place him in another universe and to leave him alone after that. So.. who should I blame? The one who is trying to make himself happy with his own world, or the ones who don't seem to care and just kill everything in their path? I'm going with the second one. Chara doesn't know any better because his creator doesn't care. And his creator.. killed Frisk.. his creator will feel what it's like to not be in control anymore. 'DO YOU HEAR ME XGASTER? I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!' Tears roll down my face again. Beating him up won't take my pain away, but at least I avenged Frisk.. 'Do you need help with that?' Someone appeared behind me.. this can't be good. As I turn around I want to call Akumu for help, but I realise it isn't needed. 'Sans? Another Sans? What are you doing here?'

Sans' POV:

I don't know who this girl is, but she doesn't seem too happy to see me. 'Well, we've been keeping an eye on XGaster and Ink and we realised that.. we were on the wrong side. The things that they have been doing.. it's all just a game. It's like a game show for them. But now, things are getting worse. Ink is going insane. He doesn't seem to feel anymore, and he's starting to share XGaster his vision of a perfect world. With one universe I guess it's not that bad, but if Ink decides to adjust that vision to all alternate universes.. well let's just say that I don't like those two as our leaders.' Fell interrupts me. 'You don't have to worry, you are from the original universe!' Although he is right, I don't think Ink and XGaster will stop with after the alternate universes, but I do think my universe has to most time to prepare themselves for a battle. I'm not going to react to Fell, I do not want a discussion now. 'Look, I think it's best if we go to my universe for now. It will be weird to explain to the others but we have no choice. Is there anyone else here apart from you? Where did Cross Chara go? Do you still have a Sans in this universe? Or someone else?' The girl starts to tear up. 'I.. I killed everyone here..' I guess that explains why she wasn't happy when she saw me. 'It's ok kid, I feel like you learned from your mistakes. Can you tell me where Cross Chara is? And what your name is?' She softly mumbles. 'Betty..' after that she points to the right. 'See you soon kid.. and this may sound weird, but take Frisk with you. Fell, go with her.' With one blink I teleported away, hopefully I'm near Cross Chara.

Fell's POV:

Why am I the one who needs to babysit all of the sudden? This day has been weird enough already. The ones we trusted are idiots and now I feel like one because I trusted them. Well, I trusted Ink, but that painting skeleton of course had to have some dark secret, and of course that secret made the other Sans uncomfortable with him. In all honesty, leaving home was necessary, but did this adventure really have to get this complicated? Now the person who destroyed my home is someone I have to work with and I don't like it, although I think it's better than dictator Ink. A shiver goes up my spine. What if we are not allowed to swear anymore?! 'HE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!' The girl, Betty, looks up. We've been walking for ten minutes, and she doesn't want to teleport to where the body is. 'So what's your problem, don't like being lazy or something?' Her facial expression doesn't change. 'Do you really think I'm over his death? I'd rather not go back to that place at all.. but Sans asked me to. So I will, but with a very long detour.' You have got to be kidding me, we took a detour? We could've been there already? 'Listen hear lady-' She's crying.. I guess now is not the time to argue over this. I'm not good at comforting people, so I just gently give her two pats on the back. She immidiatly hugs me afterwards. 'He ment that much to you huh..?'

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